
Archive for June, 2013

XBMC4Xbox Remote 2.7.5 for Android

June 8th, 2013 Comments off



A new version of XBMC4Xbox Remote for Android was just released, including these changes:

  • v2.7.5 (Sat, 15 June 2013)
    • Add “Voice” search (where available);
    • Music > Playlist – show song numbers instead of icons;
    • Keyboard – close when “done”;
    • Handle SetResponseFormat() change by Web Remote;
    • Image cache not working correctly;
  • v2.7.1 (Sat, 8 June 2013)
    • Add: “Help” options menu item – Main;
    • Fix: CPU / battery drain while in background (thanks to Kozz);
  • v2.7 (Sun, 2 Jun 2013):
    • Add: Send YouTube videos to XBMC4Xbox (requires YouTube plugin);

For guides on how to configure & use, see more at:

For support / feedback / suggestions use this forum thread:

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