Cheers but that doesn't help.
I know how to get the crc its just for some reason cut files dont seem to work :/ xbe files work fine.
Got it, if the files are inide the XBMC root directory it used the damn special protocol
special://xbmc/_cuts/genesis/3 ninjas kick back.cut
here is the working code
Code: Select all
if os.path.isdir( CUTFile_Path ):
if CountList == 1: pDialog.create( "Generating Thumbnails" )
for Folders in sorted( os.listdir( Emulator_Path ) ):
EmuFolder = os.path.join( CUTFile_Path, Folders ) + "\\"
if os.path.isdir( EmuFolder ):
for CUT_Files in sorted( glob.glob( EmuFolder + "*.cut" ) ):
if CUTFile_Path.startswith(Root_Directory):
CUT_Files = CUT_Files.replace( Root_Directory,"special://xbmc/" )
CUT_Files = CUT_Files.replace( "\\","/" ).lower()
TBN_Files = CUT_Files[:-3] + "tbn"
ThumbCache = xbmc.getCacheThumbName( CUT_Files )
pDialog.update( ( CountList * 100 ) / len( TBN_Files ),"Scanning Games",TBN_Files,ThumbCache )
if os.path.isfile( TBN_Files ):
shutil.copy2( TBN_Files, Temp_Profile_Directory + ThumbCache[0] + "\\" + ThumbCache )
CountList = CountList + 1
if os.path.isdir( ThumbDirectory ): shutil.rmtree( ThumbDirectory )
os.rename( Temp_Profile_Directory[:-1], Temp_Profile_Directory[:-5] + "Programs" )
dialog.ok( "Thumbnail Cleaner","","Process Complete" )