XBMC Keypmap Schematics

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Dom DXecutioner
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XBMC Keypmap Schematics

Post by Dom DXecutioner »

Knowing how to navigate any given system is key to a better user experience, with that in mind, this will assist with familiarizing yourself with the default navigational actions of your gamepad or remote control. This was taken from a pdf file found in the dev branch. I don't think this is included in the release builds; however, let's face it, most of won't bother looking for it. Honestly, i just found out about and it's making a difference with how i navigate xbmc.

NOTE 1: I'm aware of a couple of items not in the schematics, i.e. gamepad right thumbstick up/down = volume up/down, gamepad left stick ( press ) = screenshot, remote #3 = volume up, remote #6 = volume down; i will update this at a later time...

NOTE 2: In theory this is still the same as when it was written by someone ( don't know who, but let me know if you ) a while back; let me know if you find it different, aside from the aforementioned. Remember, this should be the default keymaps.

Global Keymapping

Will only be used if the button is not used in your current window...



Videos Keymapping

My Videos specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)



Music Keymapping

My Music specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)



Files Keymapping

My files ( presumably file manager ) specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)



Video Fullscreen Keymapping

Fullscreen vido specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)



Pictures Keymapping

(Global keys = grey text)



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Re: XBMC Keypmap Schematics

Post by xman »

Nice but very incomplete. A lot of stuff I have found simply by saying to myself, " I wonder what this will do and if it will brake anything". Would be cool if we could add what is missing directly to the pictures but that isn't going to happen but I'm willing to add what I know if we can sort out the most convenient way to do it. Maybe taking a screen shot of the pictures and edit?. I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: XBMC Keypmap Schematics

Post by PSS_PSS »

Thanks, I was looking for something like this. I just programmed my Xbox into a Comcast remote, and come to find out the volume 3/6/9 key shortcuts in the newest SVN had the wrong values. That sucked, because I primarily use XBMC as my central music hub. I reverted the xml from a much older XBMC build (rev16144) and modified it to accept 1 and 2 for skipping, and 5 to emulate the white button. So, anything is possible.
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Re: XBMC Keypmap Schematics

Post by BuZz »

Some of this is on the wiki but there is plenty that could be improved on the wiki in terms of layout/organisation.


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Re: XBMC Keypmap Schematics

Post by Dom DXecutioner »

Ah... Did not know this was in the wiki; shame on you BuZz!!! :/
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