NOTE 1: I'm aware of a couple of items not in the schematics, i.e. gamepad right thumbstick up/down = volume up/down, gamepad left stick ( press ) = screenshot, remote #3 = volume up, remote #6 = volume down; i will update this at a later time...
NOTE 2: In theory this is still the same as when it was written by someone ( don't know who, but let me know if you ) a while back; let me know if you find it different, aside from the aforementioned. Remember, this should be the default keymaps.
Global Keymapping
Will only be used if the button is not used in your current window...

Videos Keymapping
My Videos specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)

Music Keymapping
My Music specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)

Files Keymapping
My files ( presumably file manager ) specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)

Video Fullscreen Keymapping
Fullscreen vido specific keymapping (Global keys = grey text)

Pictures Keymapping
(Global keys = grey text)

Dom DXecutioner