- Install
- Google Play:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... box.remote - APK download:
https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B0jFNYTk ... t=download
- Google Play:
- Guides:
https://sites.google.com/site/xbmc4xboxremoteandroid/ - Contact:
- Email: dan.dar33 at gmail.com
- Voice: Xphazer TeamSpeak Server
- Changes:
Code: Select all
v2.9.9.1 (Mon, 24 Oct 2016):
* Fix: display issues with high resolution devices
* Fix: occasional crashes in main screen
v2.9.9 (Sun, 21 Sep 2014):
* New: Main > Programs (thanks AwesomeNurd):
- Apps / Games / Emulators;
- available to premium only;
* Mod: Main > Touchpad:
- available to all;
* New: Analytics > Versions;
v2.9.8 (Sun, 13 Jul 2014):
* Fix: Crashes on Android 2.1 & 2.2
v2.9.7 (Fri, 4 Jul 2014):
* Fix: Cannot share / play "youtu.be" URLs (thanks sahib12);
* Fix: Widget > Currently playing thumbnail (thanks AwesomeNurd);
* Fix: Movies > Files > cannot play video files (thanks Fastlane);
* Fix: Crashes on Android 3.2
* New: Commands > Screenshots
v2.9.6 (Sun, 19 Jan 2014):
* Main :
- Remember last used XBMC4Xbox;
- Allow to delete XBMC4Xbox entry (from "edit" dialog);
* Main > Network Scan
- Allow to cancel scan;
- Update entry with same MAC address (instead of adding new one);
v2.9.5 (Sun, 12 Jan 2014):
* Main:
- better use of space on large screens / landscape mode;
* Movies, Music, Addons, System Info, Analytics, Feeds:
- horizontal swiping between tabs ("Library" tabs require edge swiping)
* Translation :
- French, Spanish (first draft)
* Technology changes (ActionBarCompat, Picasso, OkHttp);
v2.9.4 (Sun, 1 Dec 2013):
* TV Episodes :
- fill entire horizontal space (collapsible);
- display fanart background;
* Media Send :
- YouTube filter too broad (listed for URLs that could not be handled);
- allow to send other media URLs (HTTP, audio + video);
v2.9.3 (Fri, 29 Nov 2013) :
* Main:
- ability to add new XBMC4Xbox entries (spinner);
* Movies > Library:
- group movies by first letter (collapsible);
- gallery filling horizontal space;
* Analytics :
- show country flags;
v2.9.2 (Sun, 3 Nov 2013):
* Crashing at startup or missing premium features
v2.9.1 (Sat, 2 Nov 2013):
* Widget - home / lock screen:
- full functionality to premium only;
v2.9.0 (Sat, 12 Oct 2013):
* TouchPad:
- full functionality available to premium only;
* Feeds:
- highlight new entries;
* Wi-Fi Hotspot (in-car) scenario (thanks to sealeysonic);
v2.8.9 (Fri, 30 Aug 2013):
* Addons:
- available to all;
* Main > Feeds ticker:
- do not scroll on low refresh devices (e.g. Nook);
v2.8.8 (Sun, 25 Aug 2013):
* Music > Playlist:
- select playlist / party mode;
v2.8.7 (Sat, 17 Aug 2013):
* Music > Library:
- crashing with large library;
- changed to expandable list + scrolling horizontal grid
* DVD Remote > Volume :
- crashing on Android 3.2
- volume follows slider (requires Event Server enabled)
v2.8.6 (Thu, 15 Aug 2013):
* Keyboard: add "<" and ">" navigation buttons (repeatable);
v2.8.5 (Sun, 28 July 2013):
* Feeds - faster load, using FeedBurner
* DVD Remote + Volume: volume control with hardware buttons
* Analytics: today, 7 days, 30 days, all time
* Preferences > Themes (dark, light, green) - premium only
v2.8 (Wed, 10 July 2013)
* Add "Addons" (premium only, for now)
* DVD Remote: repeat arrow keys on hold
* TV Episodes: show "watched" icon
* Main > Analytics (new), see:
* Misc fixes
v2.7.5 (Sat, 15 June 2013)
* Add "Voice" search (where available);
* Music > Playlist - show song numbers instead of icons;
* Keyboard - close when "done";
* Handle SetResponseFormat() change by Web Remote;
* Image cache not working correctly;
v2.7.1 (Sat, 8 June 2013)
* Add: "Help" options menu item - Main;
* Fix: CPU / battery drain while in background (thanks to Kozz);
v2.7 (Sun, 2 Jun 2013):
* Send YouTube videos to XBMC4Xbox (requires YouTube plugin);
v2.6 (Sun, 21 Apr 2013)
* Music:
- Library: display albums per artist (gallery);
- Library: add "Search";
- Files: play/queue - add music files only;
- Files: add "Search";
- Update/Clean library (options menu);
* Movies:
- Files: add "Search";
- Update/Clean library (options menu);
* TV Shows:
- Update/Clean library (options menu);
v2.5 (Mon, 1 Apr 2013):
* Main :
- XBMC4Xbox entry: add FTP port, user and password;
* Commands :
- Logs: view / upload to xbmclogs.com (requires FTP server enabled);
v2.4 (Mon, 18 Mar 2013) :
* Settings :
- In-App purchases: Premium;
* Movies :
- Library: gallery view (Recently added, Continue watching, All);
* Music :
- Library: context menu (long press);
- Files: context menu (long press);
- Playlist: thanks to travandalex;
* DVD Remote :
- Crash on some devices (NetworkOnMainThreadException);
v2.3 (Sun, 3 March 2013) :
* Main :
- allow for custom HTTP user / password (long press XBMC4Xbox entry to change);
* Movies:
- add "Refresh";
- library: thumbs not showing for multiple movies in the same location (thanks to Xphazer);
* Music:
- add "Refresh";
v2.2 (Sun, 24 Feb 2013):
* Main:
- fix feed loading;
* Preferences:
- clear cache;
- in-app purchases (no-ads subscription);
* TV Episodes:
- new look & feel (gallery);
* Better error handling & presentation;
v2.0 (Thu, 17 Jan 2012) :
* Crash on startup - Android 2.1 & 2.2 (Java 5);
* Allow to move application to external storage;
* "System Info" - tabs;
1.9 (Mon, 31 Dec 2012):
* Main:
- add feeds ticker (clickable)
1.8 (Tue, 25 Dec 2012):
* Network Scanner:
- improvements
* "Movie details"
- IMDb button (app or website)
* "Music":
- library
- files
1.7 (Sat, 15 Dec 2012):
* Remove ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission;
* "Movies":
- add "Files" tab;
- press tabs again to reload data;
- fix "SearchView is API 8+ only."
* "System Information":
- grid layout
- refresh button;
v1.6 (Mon, 26 Nov 2012):
* User interface revamp
* Use ActionBarSherlock (http://actionbarsherlock.com/)
* Drop support for Android 1.x (sorry)
Splash screen;
Options menu (main) - About, Exit;
DVD Remote (requires Event Client enabled)
Commands (debug mode, restart, shutdown)
ACRA (http://code.google.com/p/acra/) - report crashes;
Add default XBMC4Xbox entry:
- long press to edit and change the IP address;
Improve network scanner (+ slightly increase timeout)
Add "Commands" menu:
- Change volume / mute
- Debug mode (toggle)
Add Movies;
Persist found XBMC4Xbox entries (scanner)
Add Keyboard (requires keyboard dialog open in XBMC4Xbox)[/list]