XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

If you need any help with XBMC4XBOX, such as installing or using the software, please post it in here.
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Dan Dar3
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XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Dan Dar3 »


Code: Select all

v2.9.9.1 (Mon, 24 Oct 2016):
 * Fix: display issues with high resolution devices
 * Fix: occasional crashes in main screen

v2.9.9 (Sun, 21 Sep 2014):
 * New: Main > Programs (thanks AwesomeNurd):
   - Apps / Games / Emulators;
   - available to premium only;
 * Mod: Main > Touchpad:
   - available to all; 
 * New: Analytics > Versions;

v2.9.8 (Sun, 13 Jul 2014):
 * Fix: Crashes on Android 2.1 & 2.2

v2.9.7 (Fri, 4 Jul 2014):
 * Fix: Cannot share / play "youtu.be" URLs (thanks sahib12);
 * Fix: Widget > Currently playing thumbnail (thanks AwesomeNurd);
 * Fix: Movies > Files > cannot play video files (thanks Fastlane);
 * Fix: Crashes on Android 3.2
 * New: Commands > Screenshots

v2.9.6 (Sun, 19 Jan 2014):
 * Main :
  - Remember last used XBMC4Xbox;
  - Allow to delete XBMC4Xbox entry (from "edit" dialog);
 * Main > Network Scan
  - Allow to cancel scan;
  - Update entry with same MAC address (instead of adding new one);

v2.9.5 (Sun, 12 Jan 2014):
 * Main:
  - better use of space on large screens / landscape mode;
 * Movies, Music, Addons, System Info, Analytics, Feeds:
  - horizontal swiping between tabs ("Library" tabs require edge swiping)
 * Translation :
  - French, Spanish (first draft)  
 * Technology changes (ActionBarCompat, Picasso, OkHttp);

v2.9.4 (Sun, 1 Dec 2013):
 * TV Episodes :
  - fill entire horizontal space (collapsible);
  - display fanart background;
 * Media Send :
  - YouTube filter too broad (listed for URLs that could not be handled);
  - allow to send other media URLs (HTTP, audio + video); 

v2.9.3 (Fri, 29 Nov 2013) :
 * Main:
  - ability to add new XBMC4Xbox entries (spinner);
 * Movies > Library:
  - group movies by first letter (collapsible); 
  - gallery filling horizontal space;
 * Analytics :
  - show country flags;

v2.9.2 (Sun, 3 Nov 2013):
 * Crashing at startup or missing premium features

v2.9.1 (Sat, 2 Nov 2013):
 * Widget - home / lock screen:
  - full functionality to premium only; 

v2.9.0 (Sat, 12 Oct 2013):
 * TouchPad: 
  - full functionality available to premium only;
 * Feeds:
  - highlight new entries; 
 * Wi-Fi Hotspot (in-car) scenario (thanks to sealeysonic);

v2.8.9 (Fri, 30 Aug 2013):
 * Addons:
  - available to all;
 * Main > Feeds ticker:
  - do not scroll on low refresh devices (e.g. Nook);

v2.8.8 (Sun, 25 Aug 2013):
 * Music > Playlist:
  - select playlist / party mode;

v2.8.7 (Sat, 17 Aug 2013):
 * Music > Library: 
   - crashing with large library;
   - changed to expandable list + scrolling horizontal grid
 * DVD Remote > Volume : 
   - crashing on Android 3.2
   - volume follows slider (requires Event Server enabled)

v2.8.6 (Thu, 15 Aug 2013):
 * Keyboard: add "<" and ">" navigation buttons (repeatable);

v2.8.5 (Sun, 28 July 2013):
 * Feeds - faster load, using FeedBurner
 * DVD Remote + Volume: volume control with hardware buttons
 * Analytics: today, 7 days, 30 days, all time
 * Preferences > Themes (dark, light, green) - premium only

v2.8 (Wed, 10 July 2013)
 * Add "Addons" (premium only, for now) 
 * DVD Remote: repeat arrow keys on hold
 * TV Episodes: show "watched" icon
 * Main > Analytics (new), see:
 * Misc fixes

v2.7.5 (Sat, 15 June 2013)
 * Add "Voice" search (where available);
 * Music > Playlist - show song numbers instead of icons;
 * Keyboard - close when "done";
 * Handle SetResponseFormat() change by Web Remote;
 * Image cache not working correctly;

v2.7.1 (Sat, 8 June 2013)
 * Add: "Help" options menu item - Main;
 * Fix: CPU / battery drain while in background (thanks to Kozz); 

v2.7 (Sun, 2 Jun 2013):
 * Send YouTube videos to XBMC4Xbox (requires YouTube plugin);

v2.6 (Sun, 21 Apr 2013)
 * Music:
  - Library: display albums per artist (gallery);
  - Library: add "Search"; 
  - Files: play/queue - add music files only;
  - Files: add "Search";
  - Update/Clean library (options menu);
 * Movies:
  - Files: add "Search";
  - Update/Clean library (options menu);
 * TV Shows:
  - Update/Clean library (options menu);

v2.5 (Mon, 1 Apr 2013):
* Main :
 - XBMC4Xbox entry: add FTP port, user and password;
* Commands :
 - Logs: view / upload to xbmclogs.com (requires FTP server enabled);

v2.4 (Mon, 18 Mar 2013) :
 * Settings :
  - In-App purchases: Premium;
 * Movies :
  - Library: gallery view (Recently added, Continue watching, All);
 * Music :
  - Library: context menu (long press);
  - Files: context menu (long press);
  - Playlist: thanks to travandalex;
 * DVD Remote :
  - Crash on some devices (NetworkOnMainThreadException);

v2.3 (Sun, 3 March 2013) :
 * Main :
  - allow for custom HTTP user / password (long press XBMC4Xbox entry to change);
 * Movies:
  - add "Refresh";
  - library: thumbs not showing for multiple movies in the same location (thanks to Xphazer);
 * Music:
  - add "Refresh";

v2.2 (Sun, 24 Feb 2013):
 * Main:
  - fix feed loading;
 * Preferences:
  - clear cache;
  - in-app purchases (no-ads subscription);
 * TV Episodes:
  - new look & feel (gallery);
 * Better error handling & presentation;

v2.0 (Thu, 17 Jan 2012) :
 * Crash on startup - Android 2.1 & 2.2 (Java 5);
 * Allow to move application to external storage;
 * "System Info" - tabs; 

1.9 (Mon, 31 Dec 2012):
 * Main:
  - add feeds ticker (clickable)

1.8 (Tue, 25 Dec 2012):
 * Network Scanner:
    - improvements
 * "Movie details"
    - IMDb button (app or website) 
 * "Music":
    - library
    - files

1.7 (Sat, 15 Dec 2012):
 * Remove ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission;
 * "Movies": 
    - add "Files" tab;
    - press tabs again to reload data;
    - fix "SearchView is API 8+ only."
 * "System Information":
  - grid layout
  - refresh button;

v1.6 (Mon, 26 Nov 2012):
 * User interface revamp
 * Use ActionBarSherlock (http://actionbarsherlock.com/)
 * Drop support for Android 1.x (sorry)

  Splash screen;
  Options menu (main) - About, Exit;
  DVD Remote (requires Event Client enabled)
  Commands (debug mode, restart, shutdown)
  ACRA (http://code.google.com/p/acra/) - report crashes;

  Add default XBMC4Xbox entry:
   - long press to edit and change the IP address;
  Improve network scanner (+ slightly increase timeout)
  Add "Commands" menu:
    - Change volume / mute
    - Debug mode (toggle)

  Add Movies;
  Persist found XBMC4Xbox entries (scanner)

  Add Keyboard (requires keyboard dialog open in XBMC4Xbox)[/list]
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by AwesomeNurd »

I can't find XBMC4Xbox, Webserver is enabled ...
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by stevengw »

LastGeeko wrote:I can't find XBMC4Xbox, Webserver is enabled ...
check port settings.. Should be 8080
Xbox (black) with 1.6rev board (final), Xecuter 3 Pro, with LCD, XE control panel with pro switches + usb,
IR mod and micro usb programming port. XE 3D Laser logo.
1080i HD mod to board and HDMI output cable.
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by GhostlyGamer »

Why No Iphone :( :( :(
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Redneck9 »

Can I power my XBOX on using the app?
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by AZImmortal »

Redneck9 wrote:Can I power my XBOX on using the app?
No, you can't.
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Dan Dar3
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Dan Dar3 »

Settings > Network (I'll give the exact details when I get home, away in holidays now)

I'll need to look into iPhone SDK and all that, haven't done it yet... Sorry I don't have an iPhone and no plans to buy one just yet...

That requires something like Xir (http://www.xir.us/)
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by xanderten50 »

I found this over the weekend as well - it actually works pretty well in some ways:

Running xbmc4xbox 3.1
it can:
Access & play items in music library
Access files and start video playback

it can't:
function as a direct remote
access video library
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by xanderten50 »

LastGeeko wrote:I can't find XBMC4Xbox, Webserver is enabled ...
Remember to actually set the webserver password in xbmc, and use *that* username & password when trying to log in - I used port 80 as well if that helps?
Good signatures are hard to come by...
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Adult Swimmer »

Xbmc Remote for iphone made my htpc keyboard/mouse obsolete! App was free and no adds! If it could do the same for xbmc4xbox that would make my day..............
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Dan Dar3 »

I think you might be confusing it with the XBMC Remote, which does music as well - this one doesn't yet.

@Adult Swimmer
XBMC has some more features, that XBMC4Xbox may or may not have - as to control mouse cursor location and other things.

I'm afraid the decision whether to make the app paid, free ad or no add supported is entirely mine (the developer) - I tried to minimize ads the impact on you (the user) by having a single ad in the main screen. To date (a little over a month) it made me $0.28 richer than I was before. Most of the time users ignore the efforts that a developer has to make to write and maintain an application.
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Adult Swimmer »

Well Dan Dar3, I love that app (4 iphone). VERY VERY NICE JOB!!!! Thank you for giving me the ability to:
1) Turn my htpc on, which boots directly to xbmc via my phone.
2) Browse through a massive database of media within seconds ( htpc xbmc to ftp server ).
3) The ability to play / DJ my music without the need of turning on that big screen tv.
4) Option to put the htpc in sleep mode or just shut down.
5) Doing all the above without the subliminal mind( **ck ) that comes with those ads!!

Now, somehow this just doesn't seem right. $1.99 well,, that would seem right. I have 5 friends that have been turned on to this in the last 5 days!!!!!! You Know you could always donate the $ to a charity or work on a drinking problem. lol I owe U 1!!!!!!!!! Thanks
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Xphazer »

Should the app display movies covers ? It's showing the folder.jpg from the movies folder on my server for every movies.
Also, the three dot menu button is showing up in every menu whitout any menu item.. That can hurt some geeks feeling real bad. :[ (kidding lol)
Thanks a lot for your hard work Dan!

Galaxy Nexus / AOKP JellyBean / Trinity Kernel / theme: Kiwi Cobalt
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Dan Dar3 »

Thanks for the screenshots. I'm in holidays this week, I might ask you for more details next week, I can't really do much without my Xbox to test with.

I need to change the TV Shows for larger screens to be a bit bigger and fill the screen. I'll try to a JellyBean emulator, see how I can get rid of the three dot menu then.
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Xphazer »

Thanks! Any time Dan!
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by noyus »

I'm not sure if I am being dumb but I followed all the requirements and it is still not working. XBMC Remote works fine but with XBMC4XBOX Remote isn't even detecting.

These are the settings in my console (using XBMC 3.2-STABLE):
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Dan Dar3 »

You seem to have enabled the web server. Try pointing the browser on your PC to confirm the connection: ... rverstatus

Might want to try the scanner a few times, especially if on wireless, it only waits for 100ms for a connection, I will try to enlarge the timeout in next version or maybe even allow to be configurable (although the longer the timeout, the longer it will take to scan the entire range).
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by noyus »

Dan Dar3 wrote:@noyus
You seem to have enabled the web server. Try pointing the browser on your PC to confirm the connection: ... rverstatus

Might want to try the scanner a few times, especially if on wireless, it only waits for 100ms for a connection, I will try to enlarge the timeout in next version or maybe even allow to be configurable (although the longer the timeout, the longer it will take to scan the entire range).
The link you gived confirms that the webserver is on.
I tried the scanner a few times but still does not work. Always says "XBMC4XBOX not found".
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by GhostlyGamer »

Dan Dar3 wrote: I'm afraid the decision whether to make the app paid, free ad or no add supported is entirely mine (the developer) - I tried to minimize ads the impact on you (the user) by having a single ad in the main screen. To date (a little over a month) it made me $0.28 richer than I was before. Most of the time users ignore the efforts that a developer has to make to write and maintain an application.
Dare i mention Cydia?
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Re: XBMC4Xbox Remote - Android app

Post by Dan Dar3 »

Is Cydia for iOS, cause then I'm a bit lost... cause if there's more XBMC4Xbox users on iOS maybe I need to change my steering :-)
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