Resurrecting an old friend

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Resurrecting an old friend

Post by Restoration »


Long story short, I have two classic xboxes that I dug out of storage that are my wife's, modded by a friend many years ago who is no longer with us- would like to get them working again and would really appreciate some help-

I checked first for the dreaded capacitor but they seem to be absent

The first one powers on fine, standard HDD but xbmc is present in a very default state, looks to have a modchip but haven't examined what exactly

The second one also powers on fine, but only loads to default xbox- this one doesn't appear to have a modchip but definitely has a larger/non standard hard drive and the contents seem to indicate it's modded but the mod isn't loading at the start

-the working one has version 8.10 atlantis, possible the other one does too?
-the non working one has the following of interest in the Xbox file manager in case there's a clue there-

"Autoinstaller deluxe v4/ unleash x"
"Xbox media center" but with a windows install disc picture labelled "XBE"
And several emulators
"Xboxadvance v20"

Anyone have any idea how to get it to load the presumable soft mod?
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Re: Resurrecting an old friend

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

If you're seeing a file manager in the "non-working" modded Xbox then the, presumably softmodded, dash is booting. Could be a TSOP if it is not a softmod. The original MS dash has no file manager and allows no FTP access so there is no way to see what's on the HDD.

I'm guessing you're misidentifying a possibly, UnleashX, EvoX or even Avalaunch dash. There are literally hundreds of skins for all of them and fair number mimic, usually badly, the original MS dash.

It could even be a UIX Lite dash, the most sophisticated MS alike dash of them all. But I think not bearing in mind the Xbox's described history. It is much more likely it is simply an AID installed UnleashX dash you're seeing.

Some screen shots of the main dash, and file manager content of both C:\ and E:\ drives may help identify what you have.
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Re: Resurrecting an old friend

Post by Restoration »

Hi- sorry for the late reply- here's a few photos of what I have, hope they can help and if there's shots of anything else that would help let me know and I will get them


I'm not sure if the boot sequence has anything out of the ordinary other than the xbox splash screen because my TV tries to bring up options whenever it powers on

I haven't had time to drag out an ethernet cable to it or figure out FTP access yet, I was hoping there might just be a minor problem and through some button pressing combo I could access all the fun stuff again
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Re: Resurrecting an old friend

Post by MarionCross »

Check for modchip/softmod on the non-working Xbox.
Confirm and set the correct default dashboard.
Replace potentially corrupted dashboard files.
Reinstall the softmod if necessary.
Ensure dashboard compatibility.
Check the larger hard drive for issues.
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Re: Resurrecting an old friend

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

That's just the standard MS dash and the (Memory) game saves. However those game saves do suggest, at the very least it has been modded at some point and as AID (Auto Installer Deluxe) is one of the saves and there are no softmod saves a chip or TSOP is a distinct possibility.

The amount of used/free (E:\) space shown also indicates it probably has a larger than retail HDD. Check the screws on the underside of the Xbox. If there are holes through the stickers you can be certain that the Xbox has been opened at some time and that is more evidence it was and may still be modded. You'll need to open the Xbox yourself to check for a chip and whatever else might have been done.

I'd burn an AID or HeXEn disc (DVD-R/ImgBurn) and see if that boots. You may have to cold boot it.

If it does boot then you'll have FTP access and a File Manager so we can see what is on C:\ and E:\.

My guess, looking at that game save for XBMC, is that it was or is your primary dash and it was being launched via an XBE shortcut. That is standard practice for an AID XBMC main dash install and also long recommended practice when swapping another main dash to XBMC.

But until we know whether it is in retail state or a hard or softmod and what's on C:\ and E:\ this is mostly speculation.
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Re: Resurrecting an old friend

Post by Restoration »

Really appreciate the responses, will hopefully have some time soon to sit and give a few of the suggestions a try, and will get back when I can
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