Reverted back to original dashboard

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Reverted back to original dashboard

Post by retroviking »

Hi everyone. New to this channel.

Had my Xbmc4Xbox dashboard running for years. Today I played a game. And then the update xbox message popped up and started to update. I left it. And then got a machine needs maintenance screen in green writing. Restarted the xbox. And now get the original dashboard and can't access all my systems and games.

Is there an easy way to just get it back again? I've tried the 2 thumb sticks at startup.

I used to get an XBMC4Xbox logo at startup but dont get that either. And also used to be able to access a menu when opening the DVD tray at startup.

Also this was all pre installed for me. So haven't got a huge amount of knowledge on it.

Any advice welcome. Thanks.
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Re: Reverted back to original dashboard

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

Softmod or chipped/TSOP?

There are a few games that do what you have experienced without warning. Many others include a dashupdater.xbe along with a game updater too and may do it too, especially if the Xbox is internet connected or an attempt to connect to Xbox Live is made.

It is why with most Xbox game downloads for HDD install ("HDD ready") have those nasties stripped out so this sort of problem does not occur. When installing them to the HDD yourself from the original disc using DVD2Xbox it is recommended practice to delete such update files yourself immediately afterwards.

The trouble is, with a softmod particularly, fixing it is not easy because the softmod has been over-written/removed and you now have an essentially retail Xbox C:\ drive although E:\ and any extended drives (F:\ & G:\) content is still there.

It depends what type of mod it is/was and, if a softmod, what 'flavour' ie. AID/SID, HeXEn, Rocky5's XBSMT or other what you can do to restore it. I doubt any burned installer/recovery disc will cold boot now if it is/was a softmod. A protected softmod, which both HeXEn and Rocky5's XBSMT install by default, would have likely restored the softmod on reboot so it is probably not going to be a simple fix.

But until there is more information that is just a guess and worst case possibility.
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Re: Reverted back to original dashboard

Post by retroviking »

Just looked in the storage. It was SID 5.0. There's a file that says SID installer 5.0 and a file SID5 Splinter Cell NTSC if that helps. Shall I just get the Splinter Cell disk and mod file and re do it. Would that fix it? Or is it not as simple as that.?

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Re: Reverted back to original dashboard

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

That's the thing to try first, definitely.

However, I did what you did accidentally, many moons ago deliberately ie. activated a game's dashupdater.xbe, just to see how easy it was to recover (SID.5.11) and what I found was that the Splinter Cell exploit/installer saves did not work again. I had a backup softmodded HDD just in case.

What I found was that the SC Linux > Checkpoints installer launcher appeared to be working but every time I tried, even after deleting the existing saves and replacing them with fresh ones, resulted in a blank screen.

My theory, and it is only a theory, is that the dashupdater.xbe leaves behind the existing SC E:\TDATA folder which, for some reason, messes up the installer dash launching properly. It might be something else entirely but the result is still the same: old and new SC exploit saves don't work.

What did work for me is using a different game exploit set; I used 007 AUF.
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Re: Reverted back to original dashboard

Post by retroviking »

Interesting. OK thanks for the heads up.

When you say used a different game exploit 007 AUF. Do you mean a copy of the 007 game? And used the same process as the Splinter Cell one? Sorry I've only ever heard of using the SID mod. Thanks.
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Re: Reverted back to original dashboard

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

Its the same type of game save exploit using SID but instead of SC it uses the Xbox game 007 AUF (Agent Under Fire) and its dedicated exploit/installer game saves rather than the SC ones.

All Xbox softmod tools, like SID, Rocky5's XBSMT, HeXEn and others use the same basic game save exploit method ie. using either SC, 007 AUF, MechAssault or, less commonly included,Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 original game discs.

The downloads for SID or the others have their own exploit/installer saves for each game, all included as part of the softmod package. In fact until relatively recently most don't include the THPS 4 ones. SID downloads usually don't.

However the game saves are not interchangeable between softmods; you must use the ones designed for use with the specific softmod tool. Additionally there are other criteria that can cause problems, some of the games need specific disc versions or the exploit will not work. With SC in particular, there are also separate exploit/installer games saves for the different PAL and NTSC region versions too.

I suggest you Google "SID Final PDF manual" as that explains the softmodding game save process very clearly even if quite a lot of the other information is of questionable value now. Of course there are plenty of YT tutorials on softmodding too.

If you can't get SID to reinstall or trying another exploitable game is not possible then the next option is to try installing another softmod, Rocky5's XBSMT is often the preferred option. But, as indicated, it will mean deleting your old SID game saves first.
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