No Samba

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No Samba

Post by Emegra »

Hi Guys
I'm not sure if this is even a XBMC problem but I've tried everything I can think of to solve this and coming up blank so I'm hoping someone can put me in the right direction if nothing else, I have 3 xbox's all running xbmc and none of them can see samba shares on my network, I first noticed this back in February shortly after upgrading my NAS to Openmediavault 6 although I can't be 100% sure it was immediately after that but I was never aware of this issue before, the enigma is every other device on the network PC's laptops etc can all see and connect to the OMV shares just fine, I've also set up samba shares on my PC & 2 Laptops and XBMC can't see them either on any of the 3 boxes yet they can all connect to the NAS via upnp along with a netbook that has a Mini DLNA server running so the NAS is clearly visible to the xbox's, I've also tried manually typing in the the network address but I just get a message saying no computer with that address or words to that effect, The other possibility may be the router but I've never messed around in the router settings and I would rather not if I can avoid it,

So can anyone point me in the right direction where I might solve this problem

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Re: No Samba

Post by GoTeamScotch »

The version of samba running on your NAS is too new for the Xbox to connect to. I had a similar issue recently trying to connect my Xbox to a Linux machine. I forget which version of samba/smb XBMC uses, but it's an old one. Maybe v1.0? But newer devices have support for older smb disabled because it has major security flaws.

If your NAS has FTP support, try using that instead.
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Re: No Samba

Post by Emegra »

Hi GoTeamScotch

Thanks for the reply I kinda suspected it might a compatibility issue with cifs/samba but i had no way of knowing for sure so thanks for clearing that up, I never though of using FTP as obvious a solution it is, and it is a good solution so thanks again, I did solve the problem using upnp but i've just got used to using SMB over the years but FTP works just as well so problem solved thanks

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Re: No Samba

Post by professor_jonny »

I have had this problem on my windows 2k12 server I enabled samba v1 and it sorted all the problems.

Ideally we would update the samba version on xbmc4xbox.
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