Just giving people a heads up

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Just giving people a heads up

Post by TL GAMER »

I am making a video about these problems tonight

I wanted to bring attention to a few things I have been recently seeing an abnormal number of people constantly running into the same exact problems revolving around the softmodding. Apparently, the people over on OGXBOX would rather ban people and remove topics that contain proof about these problems, rather than admit the problems fix them, but I digress. I am also posting this because I personally have encountered a problem not listed anywhere which pertains to the DVD Drive. Now to give some background on me I've been dealing with modded xbox's (Both chipped and softmodded) since the early days of FlashFXP. I almost always just use a disk and a file explorer to rip disks to the HDD and almost always avoid FTP unless it's 100% necessary. I have even converted PC game mods to work on the OG xbox but that is neither here nor there. So that's my basic background.

Here is some things people need to be aware of

ok so the number one problem people post about is there isn't any simple step by step tutorials for things that make no sense such as the artwork problem using XBMC4gamers. Why this is a problem is because the XBOX requires a .default.xbe to launch any game or app. The installer people always mention doesn't have one. and the instructions say to run it off the HDD, which again isn't possible unless there is a default.xbe

The second problem is that there is no installer even on the beta (Which is where people said it existed)

The 3rd problem Images have to be a png, bmp, .DDS, jpg, tbn..etc and if there actually isn't any xbox art images with any of those file extensions anywhere I can find. I will admit that I didn't do much real looking but the places I did look should have at least turned up something and it didn't, so these so called art imaged either don't exist, at all, or they are so hidden only a tech genius would be able to find them.

Problem 4, lets say there is art for this (And I just missed them) there is still no explanation how to get them in the xbox because every tutorial I have seen and talked about, mentions non-existent files and launching applications that simple do not exist. NOr do they say where they are getting the apps they're running. NO one knows if it's already on the xbox in some random folder.

Problem 5, (Th is is something I ran into I haven't seen anyone mention so it's basically impossible for me to get help with this) something in the latest upgrading the HDD via and softmodding setup, kills the xbox HDD so that anything in any mod menu that requires the use of the DVD drive, won't work. Any mod menu that uses and or can see the DVD drive, if you put a disk in, it will either not read it at all, lock up the system, or show "UNKNOWN" as the contents. This includes actual xbox games. The DVD drive will launch a game but only if you start the system with the console with a disk already in the drive.

I find it very idiotic how, there can be tones of videos on how to mod an xbox, but there isn't a single video tutorial anywhere that shows how to get the very confusing and very complex to understand applications applications. it's ridiculous.

A video tutorial on how to actually get the xbox artwork to work on XBMC4gamers, needs to be created. Right now it's 100% impossible to know what to do because of all the lose files and crap that do not have any way to execute them on the xbox despite the instructions say so. The instructions do not even say what has to be done with the files you get, I.E. do you keep them zipped up, are you supposed to make a disk image out of them is so what ones and how.

I mean thee is so many missing piece of crucial need to know information that it's pathetic.
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Re: Just giving people a heads up

Post by professor_jonny »

I dont know what you are waffling on about and this may be unrelated but....
The xbox often does not use the datatypes you mention in the format you expect, the xbox uses XPR files to store compressed images that can be directly loaded with hardware acceleration (d3d) of these resources.


As for art work for xbmc4gamers there is a git hub with a readme, there is even a sample resource and artwork there :

https://github.com/Rocky5/XBMC4Gamers/b ... /README.md

Xbmc4xbox and xbmc4gamers have a python interpreter and can run scripts and plugins to automate things like downloading artwork without loading a default.xbe, you can read about the python intreperter built in here:


I suggest you have a read and get a basic understanding of what is under the hood of xbmc4xbox and xbmc4gamers and it will all make sense hopefully.
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Re: Just giving people a heads up

Post by Rocky5 »

Yeah he’s the only one that’s got those issues 🤷‍♂️

The artwork installer is downloaded from the built in downloader. Pre v1.3 builds don’t have a downloader anymore so to speak. You can only update to v1.3 from those builds if at all. And should never be used. So old hexen discs eg... have 1.2 version for example.

Once you download the artwork installer and install it to your applications folder it will
Show under that menu.

Run it, select auto mode and wait. If you don’t use F/Games and have subfolders A-B eg... you will need to add those paths to the settings.ini located next to the artwork installers default.xbe

It really is that simple 🤷‍♂️ You download a file using the Xbox and internet then run it 😂

Also join this group on FB. Crap loads of folk running gamers and artwork.

I wouldn’t have released something that didn’t work 😂

Edit: just checked, yeah you were banned for your attitude, just like your PM you sent me, your attitude stinks and that’s why you got banned.

You are also running v1.2, update to v1.3 via the updates tab.
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Re: Just giving people a heads up

Post by yeonta0523 »

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I think the overall message from the OP was trying to get at is that there isn't enough helpful documentation out there to actually assist people who aren't oriented with programming or have a solid understanding of file structures. Nowadays many more people are starting to get into modding Xboxs who don't come from a programming or hacking background. For many people The OG Xbox is the first endeavor into modding... well anything. I, personally, have modded a couple of things now, but the Xbox is definitely the one that I have dove into the most.

Currently as I am changing my dashboard to XBMC Origins I realized that I have to find a source for the Artwork. Now I could use XBMC4Gamers and have this done easily but the XBMC Origins Skin with the UI update just looks and feels better to me. Sure it's unpolished but it's something people will like more if it was running properly. (especially me because I'm a designer)

Design in OG Community is whole other can of worms, but generally it has never been great and borderline vomit inducing and huge deterrent for new modders, especially when the entire modding community fear mongers new users into modding because YOUR HARDDRIVE WILL DIE, YOU DISK DRIVE WILL DIE, or IF YOU DON'T MOD YOUR XBOX WILL BRICK EVENTUALLY. If people are going to be so passionate about convincing new users to mod, then they should at least be met with a better UI design that is an upgrade and not a downgrade from the vanilla experience.

Honestly I think this boils down to this.
This community needs more designers involved to create better UI, documentationthat the average person can understand and is relatively resistant to change, and devs that aren't so insecure towards critics (I understand most devs in this community develop tools for free and that's awesome, but they aren't immune to criticism especially when some tools have obscure names and no documentation.)
These issues are nothing new when developing entertaining experiences. Designers always want to push for something that is beautiful, easy to use, and intuitive. Programmers want to make something that is functional, specific, and organized according to their needs. The experiences are best when the two compromise and are balanced with each other.

Just my two cents.
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