Xbox classic skin

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Xbox classic skin

Post by Aussieold »

G'day guys

just wondering if anyone has a copy of bigby's mod of the xbox classic skin I have tried the links on emuextras but there all dead :shock:


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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by Aussieold »

gday mate

thanks for the quick reply do you by chance have a copy of it all set up including the fan art and previews with all of the fixes you have made?
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Re: Xbox classic skin


the instructions should be on the page I sent you, but for quick insturctions

make a folder in your E and F drive, now download a image you want, make sure its .jpg, now name it the same as the game folder name.


highlight your game and see what happens.
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by fxmech »

and for the video preview?
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by ajoyna1 »

the quick reply do you by chance have a copy of it all set up including the fan art and previews with all of the fixes you have made???
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Re: Xbox classic skin


It depends on what games-emulators, I'm sorry I don't but if you need help setting I can help you
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by RunsilenT »

I love this particular skin and would like to customize the Home Menu.. Games, Emulators etc.
Ive had a try looking for names to change using an xml editor but i`m out of my depth.
I would appreciate any help to point me in the right direction as I enjoy learning how it works.
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Re: Xbox classic skin


exactly what did you want to add or change to the home menu? to edit the home you need to open home.xml.
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by RunsilenT »

The menu like shown above would be a start, but i think theyre numbered rather than labeled?
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Re: Xbox classic skin


go to home.xml find theses lables by either the number, so you need to go into your language area in your skin, now find english. open the file thats inside, i think its like a xml or other file.

go to find on your notepad and type in what your looking for.
match the name with your number so say you want (examples only) videos and the number is 32111 then find the number in home.xml

once you find this you will see that it comes up and it will say video, now change the name also, now it should look something like this

Code: Select all

<item id="7">
item id stays like that, but you need to change only the <label> and <onclick> here only, no icons sicne this skin dont use icons only label

when i got time i can help you, over the weekend i think i can, but if you manage to get it right then try it.

i work tomorrow so ill be out around 430 and i can then do this for you.

i been wanting to add recently added media but still thinking about it lol

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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by RunsilenT »

Thanks NOTHESAME, im working 12 hour shifts this weekend but will give it a go.
I cannot link the English language xml to Home xml as labels simply say <3> or <10>
and not <Programs> or <Weather> so I know I`m changing the title of the button.
I know I`m missing something and apologize for my ignorance.
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Re: Xbox classic skin


:D Its all good, just rename the.label to which ever you want and as long as you get rhe right window to open you will be fine
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by RunsilenT »

Well ive scoured all xml files in Home.xml and strings.xml in Language folder but cannot find the correct .label or any files
other than example -Programs which is button I.D 10 and <0><label>. so Im guessing I need to find where the label names are
The Home.xml uses the numbered label names. Older versions of this skin have the names listed as label names, easily changed
but don`t work on latest Xbmc. Any help appreciated NOTTHESAME, in your own time, when you have absolutely nothing to do
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by RunsilenT »

Got there in the end NOTTHESAME, my logic doesn`t work in xml.
Thanks for your solution, I know its like pulling teeth with me. I tend
to over engineer and miss the obvious. THANKS!
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by xgekox »

I'm trying to modify the xml of the skin to automatically start the video previews when I pass over an icon without having to select all the game preview button. I tried to insert the string contained in the button xml in the section dedicated to fanarts (which are displayed automatically) but it doesn't work.
does anyone know by chance what and where I have to insert in the xml files?
thank you very much to those who will be able to help me
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by GnarlyTrack491 »

Bumping this thread since all links are dead, I'm looking for the version of this skin with working game previews. It's a shot in the dark but if someone could upload it that would be great.
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Re: Xbox classic skin

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

I do not know if this is one with working previews but it is a fairly recent post and the link/download provided is functioning.

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