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Post by ldotsfan »

This is the beta release of xboxhdm23usb. It is a remake of xboxhdm running in Windows with USB SATA/IDE enclosures/adapters. Check compatibility of USB devices from ... SB-Devices.

Be careful when identifying which drive to connect to, as you don't want to wipe your Windows drive by mistake. Place files in this manner inside xboxhdm23usb folder:
1. C drive files in C subfolder of hdm folder.
2. E drive files in E subfolder in hdm folder.
3. eeprom.bin in xboxhdm23usb folder itself.

Start a command prompt with administrator rights. Enter Win-Key 'S' key for search and type "cmd" and right click to select administrator rights. Type "xboxhd" and a menu will appear. Drives are labelled from zero onwards. PhysicalDrive0 , PhysicalDrive1 etc.

Locking and unlocking of drives from Windows is supported.

Download from: ... oxhdm23usb
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by ldotsfan »

Rocky5 helped to create a GUI version for this tool, download from ... p/download
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by GoTeamScotch »

I can't believe what I'm reading! XboxHDM is running from within a Windows environment? This sounds too good to be true. lol

I'm definitely going to test this out sometime soon. I currently pull out an old PC from my closet every time I need to use XboxHDM but if I could use a laptop with a USB/IDE adapter, that would be amazing. :D

As always, outstanding work, ldotsfan
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by ldotsfan »

Thanks GoTeamScotch. The bulk of the work was done some years back when I patched smartmontools with ATA Security features. The rest of the stuff came from hdm2.2 and then Rocky5 did a great job with the menus.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by GoTeamScotch »

I was a bit confused at first... I had a drive connected through eSATA and opened the script and couldn't figure out what was going on. I read through the batch script and then saw that it was looking for USB drives. Oops! I connected a SATA drive via USB and it then loaded to QEMU and XboxHDM. I have to say, it's awesome to be able to do all this without having to reboot or pull out my old IDE tower and load a disc of XboxHDM (never tinkered with USB version of XboxHDM before).

One thing I wanted to point out is that if you have more than a CD-rom amount of data in the hdm folder, Qemu will fail silently and you'll be put back on the start menu of the xboxhd.bat UI. I assume this is because Qemu is mounting hdm as if it were the CD rom drive or something similar, which are limited to 700MB. I noticed if I had 400MB of data, it worked fine, but if I doubled it to 800MB or more then the problem would happen.

To small screen users: if you're viewing QEMU on a laptop screen like me, make sure to hit View > Zoom To Fit or else you won't see the bottom of the display and you might miss the bottom of the output.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by barnito »

I bought a WEme IDE/SATA adapter. it works to build and fix C. However smartctl won't recognize my USB adapter. Smartctl.exe 6.5 works but the security commands (ie smartctl -s security-eeprom-unlock) are missing. Did you add code to the source of it or is it there already and just need to be enabled? I will compile it myself if I can.

Thank you!
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by not2fly4awg »

I did just that on a 500GB USB external drive. It stuck on this screen for the past 15 minutes. Any ideas?
Screen capture
Screen capture
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by xbmc4you »

This is great news! I was worried ldotsfan disappeared with xbox-scene.
Thanks for all your work :-)

I have a problem with the app, for some reason it only lists the USB / Cardreader devices and ignores any and all HDDs.
The thing I'm trying to achieve is replacing the stock HDD on a modchipped Xbox with a larger HDD from a softmodded Xbox.
I have the key and eeprom backup, but this is irrelevant at this point ^^



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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by rorysl »

Hi all, new to the boards but a long-time XBMC4XBOX user. Been trying to upgrade my Xbox HDD but am having no luck with Chimp and the old-school PC that I used to use XboxHDM with died so I was pretty jazzed to find a USB-IDE solution. Coped XboxHDM w/EEPROM, C: and E: folders to my old Win7 Laptop, hooked the HDD up via USB-IDE, ran cmd.exe as administrator and sure enough the program worked and my hard drive was recognized.

However, when I choose option 2. Launch Xboxhdm it brings me to a screen that displays:

Menu = Launch xboxhdm
or press "Enter" to go back.
Enter Choice:

If I hit enter I'm brought back to the main menu, if I hit 1 then enter I'm brought back to the main menu...

I'm sure it's probably something super simple I'm missing here ... any tips?

EDIT: When I select Lock or Unlock Hard Drive I'm brought to a similar menu -- here if I hit 1 then enter it will lock or unlock the drive just won't let me actually run xboxhdm...
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by GoTeamScotch »

xbmc4you wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:08 pm for some reason it only lists the USB / Cardreader devices and ignores any and all HDDs.
This was by design. I brought this up to ldotsfan in a PM and he had this to say:
ldotsfan wrote:Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:09 pm Didn't want folk to end up trashing their Windows OS drive by mistake via SATA.
That being said, if you are very very sure you will pick the correct hard drive, you can alter the app so that it picks up all hard drives, even those connected through eSATA or SATA/IDE. Here's how to do it:

In "xboxhd.bat" on line 31 it will look like this:

Code: Select all

:: Get list of USB Devices.
for /f "tokens=2 delims=\\.\" %%b in ('wmic diskdrive get model ^, name ^| find /i "USB"') do echo %%b>>tmp
Delete the part in the last line shown above that says

Code: Select all

| find /i "USB"
Once you remove it, you should be left with this:

Code: Select all

:: Get list of USB Devices.
for /f "tokens=2 delims=\\.\" %%b in ('wmic diskdrive get model ^, name ^') do echo %%b>>tmp
Save the file and run Xboxhdm23usb as usual.

You can now pick any hard disk (even ones that contain your OS - use with extreme caution).

Note: I ran into a small bug when I tested this method. When prompted, I selected option 1 "build new hd from scratch". During the process Xboxhdm attempted to format my F drive and failed with an error saying it did not have enough memory. It then continued with the process, leaving my F drive unformatted. After it was done, I restarted Xboxhdm and then selected option 3 "format extended partitions" and proceeded to format my F and G drives successfully. I didn't check if F and G were formatted with the correct cluster sizes before formatting in xbpartitioner though. I just always format larger drives in xbpartitioner just to ensure the right cluster size is used.
rorysl wrote: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:36 am when I choose option 2. Launch Xboxhdm it brings me to a screen that displays:

Menu = Launch xboxhdm
or press "Enter" to go back.
Enter Choice:

If I hit enter I'm brought back to the main menu, if I hit 1 then enter I'm brought back to the main menu...
I'm sure it's probably something super simple I'm missing here ... any tips?
Is your xboxhdm23usb\hdm\ folder over 700MB in size? If so, remove some stuff to make it smaller.
Last edited by GoTeamScotch on Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by XC-3730C »

I have a hard drive that I used in a TSOP flashed Xbox, but that system died, and I just got a v1.6 Xbox. Can I use this application to install the softmod files onto my drive without erasing what is on there? I really don't want to have to d-rtransfer everything.

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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by GoTeamScotch »

XC-3730C wrote: Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:36 am I have a hard drive that I used in a TSOP flashed Xbox, but that system died, and I just got a v1.6 Xbox. Can I use this application to install the softmod files onto my drive without erasing what is on there? I really don't want to have to d-rtransfer everything.
Assuming you're able to lock your old hard drive using your 1.6's hdd key, then yes. You could put softmodded C-drive files in xboxhdm23usb\hdm\C\ and do option 2 from the main "xboxhd" menu.


Keep in mind that many softmods also expect E:\evoxdash.xbe to be present on your hdd. To do that extra step, quit out of xboxhd (option 8) then type "xbrowser" at the first xboxhdm menu. Copy any remaining required files that are supposed to be on your E drive over (highlight them and press F5).

This assumes that you have the hdd key / eeprom backup of your 1.6. If you aren't there yet, you'll need to mod your 1.6 first.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by rorysl »

GoTeamScotch wrote: Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:33 am
xbmc4you wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:08 pm for some reason it only lists the USB / Cardreader devices and ignores any and all HDDs.
Is your xboxhdm23usb\hdm\ folder over 700MB in size? If so, remove some stuff to make it smaller.
Thanks for the reply. Well, I checked my folder -- sure enough it was over 700MB so I deleted some of the Apps and got it down to 500MB. Still no go, same result.

Tried another drive thinking maybe that was the problem -- this time a 30GB Maxtor and no same result again.

So close! If I can't get this working, I no longer have a PC that will lock Xbox hard drives so I might be stuck doing a hot swap....
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by Rocky5 »

Double click the xboxhd.bat and it will prompt you to allow admin writes.

If you’re using beta 2 use my unofficial beta 3 that I cleaned up and added some things to. ... kdzaUVyMFk

This includes my softmod installer v1.1.4 so you only need to do 1 thing.

Load option 2 ( drive is unlocked first ) select your drive ( if it doesn’t show select option 1 first ) when the asked type xboxhd then use option 2 to only repare your C partition. This will install my softmod installer that will load on first boot on the Xbox.

If there is not partition table on the drive then there maybe a problem, not sure if it uses hard coded offsets for option 2 ( repare c partition )

Also not all USB to ide/SATA adaptors work with the tool used to lock/unlock the hdd.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by ldc9341 »

I still can't get my drive to lock, when I try to lock it an input/output error shows up and it says SETPASS failed.

I need to re-lock the original 10gb drive since I accidentally unlocked it when using chimp.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by Coldly-Indifferent »

Presumably that was done accidentally when cloning to another HDD - yes?

If so and that other HDD is locked you can use Chimp 261812 again to re-lock the retail HDD but this time attached as Slave.

You could also do this if you have another modded Xbox. Just follow Rocky5's guide for using Chimp 261812 to lock the slave with an imported eeprom ie. the eeprom for the machine you want to re-lock the retail HDD too. That eeprom.bin must be copied to the Y:\drive of the Xbox being used (Y:\eeprom.bin).
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by ldc9341 »

Unfortunately I was unable to lock the drive I cloned.
I got both of them to show up in xboxhdm USB beta 3, they just won't lock.
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by Rocky5 »

ldc9341 wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:03 am Unfortunately I was unable to lock the drive I cloned.
I got both of them to show up in xboxhdm USB beta 3, they just won't lock.
:shock: well that would imply the drive can’t be locked no :?:
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by ldc9341 »

Which is why I'm trying to re-lock the RETAIL drive so I can clone another.
I'm trying to lock the RETAIL drive so I can use chimp to clone a different drive. I edited the batch file so the program detects IDE drives and connected the RETAIL drive to the motherboard of my old gateway PC. The RETAIL drive shows up as drive 1 ST10004 but, when I try to lock the RETAIL drive which is obviously lockable it gives me an error.
The error says something like ATA security SETPASS failed: input/output error for both the RETAIL drive and my new Maxtor drive which is confirmed to be lockable on other Xbox's.
The drive I cloned first was a Hitachi drive which didn't end up being lockable.

If I have to I'll get another Xbox and use chimp to re-lock the RETAIL drive with an imported eeprom like Coldly-Indifferent suggested, but I want to try my old PC first.
Any ideas on how to fix this error and lock the RETAIL drive?
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Re: xboxhdm23usb

Post by Rocky5 »

Yeah there is your problem. It only locks via USB adaptors so use one as the app was coded to do, or use an older version of XBHDM.

The tool to lock drive only does it through USB devices, it’s why it only disaplays USB devices and you had to change the bat file not do that.
( the tool used to lock/unlock the drive is not a Linux app it’s windows, so loading XBHDM is irrelevant )

So USB to IDE/Sata adaptor ( that’s compatible ) or XBHDM 1.2 or the 2 variant.
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