Flashing an Aladdin XT in a running system.

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Flashing an Aladdin XT in a running system.

Post by Marty »

So, assume you have a TSOP'd XBOX 1.1 with header pins already soldered on the LPC points...
...would it be possible to boot up the system with your TSOP'd BIOS, then insert an Aladdin XT on the header pins, then use a BIOS flasher to flash the Aladdin chip to another BIOS?
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Re: Flashing an Aladdin XT in a running system.

Post by professor_jonny »

No, you have to boot from the device you want to flash, the mcpx locks out access to the device not booted from.

Can you not just boot from the Aladdin and flash it? if the chip is blank you can hot swap from another chip and flash it that way.

Of note all the recent Aladdin and clones from china have a eprom that needs to be flashed via an external programmer as they fitted the incorect flash chip to the pcb.

There is a tsop recovery method that allows you to boot from the tsop's bootloader, and then boot from a LPC connected modchip that allows you to recover the tsop from a bad flash but only if the tsop contains a compatable bootloader it cant be blank, I dont know if it would work the other way but even if it did it would require crafting and flashing a special modchip recovery bios to the tsop, and you would need to recover from that somehow so it would be useless.
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