Here is my context menu :Where is the Trainer Setting" option?

I know where the trainers go I put them there. No offense, but you cannot seriously be dense enough to believe I do not have trainers and made this post for the sheer hell of it do you?Rocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:01 am You need to have trainers installed.
The context menu entry will only show if a trainer for that specific game was found.
Q:\system\trainers\ is where they go, but you can use the built in downloader to just install trainers (all duplicates have been removed) and they get installed to the correct location. Once installed, run the “update trainer list” and it will scan them all in. If you have supported games (region) the entry to enable them will show in the context menu and you will see a grey logo on the covers of the games so you can see at a glance what games have trainers.
They are under the other tab on the downloader.
I didn't need to specify it's blatantly obvious. The fact that you're actually trying to defend your position that someone would actually not install something then say it doesn't work, is just plain out mind numbing.
1. I'm not attacking anyone, you saying I am doesn't make it a fact.
If you're going to repeat parts of what i said keep it in context. I never said Q was a virtual DRIVE I suggest you go back and read what I put.
Most people don't know how trainers are made and are not aware that trainers made with a specific program require the compiled file to look in a very specific directory regardless of what the skin or Dashboard path is set to.Rocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:00 amAs for trainers being hardcoded, never heard of them being hardcoded to C. As all they are is a list of memory offsets (little more to it but you understand) that the trainer engine reads and uses. But just because I haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
I said a lot of info, which specific info are you talking about?
Not sure what all this TL gamer crap is but that's not my business so I really do not care. I never asked you do join a discord server. I asked to talk to you over discord which simply requires a friend request.
It doesn't matter what trainers I'm using, the dashboard/skin isn't what make the trainers work, the xbox will read any trainer from any directory and work as long as the skin/dashboard has a trainer launcher in it and the XML for the skin/dashboard is configured to do so and it's configured correctly. Originally things like MASM was used to assemble .asm files which then got converted to .xbe to run them that way, but eventuall the Evox Trainer maker was released which is where the file extension .etm comes from.Rocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:00 amAlso you’re lucky am bothering to reply as I still don’t even know what trainers you’re usingThe ones on the downloader were sorted and cleaned by a tool I made for another user on another forum. (There are no duplicate trainers, and broken ones removed) The downloader trainer pack is all known trainer collected to date, by the dominator1 on another forum.
Yea I saw that and thanks.
I'm in agreement that publicly both XBMC4GAMERS and XBMC4XBOX should remain separate, however people who want to customize their own should be given the stuff to do so without the need for 2 dashboards.Rocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:00 amAs for movies, I don’t support it as it’s not games. But it’s possible to play videos via the file manager. Or if you want to add it in you will need to add the video xml files and then add menu entries to load those menus, and I won’t be helping as I don’t support it.
XBMC4Xbox does that brilliantly for SD content.
That clearly states you think it’s a virtual drive, when in fact it’s not even close to a virtual drive it’s a dynamic sourceOn a side note, why are the trainers in Q for anyway? Q:\ is basically a virtual drive So i was....
It doesn't matter if you left a trainer for that one game, if someone doesn't have that game installed it's irrelevant. also because it's not explained how to know there are trainers for any given game it's impossible to know they're there. You also didn't bother to mention and it's not mentioned anywhere that if there is no trainer for a game, the Trainer Setting option won't even be listed in the menu.Rocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:30 pmAnd if you had read what I said, you would have seen that I stated I include a trainer for burnout 3 with XBMC4Gamers so yes that menu would appear regardless, but the fact you said how to get the trainer settings to appear. Implies you have no trainers for the highlighted game or no trainers bar the one I includethere for I said to download them or tell me what ones you’re using. If you give me zero information I can only make assumptions.
Unless each trainer was redone from scratch (not converted) the trainer will get read by the xbox no matter what the extension is or where the trainer is. I was just commenting on why you most likely never heard of a trainer being hard coded into the trainer itself. Hard Coded trainers must be placed in C, otherwise they won't work in the game. The skin/dashboard will pick up the trainer where you set the pathway to and you can even go to the menu and turn them on and start, they won't actually work if they aren't in CRocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:30 pmThe trainers in the pack are all trainers bar the duplicates (half of them were duplicates) so the number will be less, but that doesn’t mean it’s better in the case. Also
the ETM trainers couldn’t be sorted at the time and most were conversions (using the tool to convert XBTF to ETM) of the XBTF trainers. (Dominator1 tested them all I never)
I do read what i type, What I said was it acts the same as a virtual drive, because it does.Rocky5 wrote: ↑Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:30 pmAlso you may want to read what you type
That clearly states you think it’s a virtual drive, when in fact it’s not even close to a virtual drive it’s a dynamic sourceOn a side note, why are the trainers in Q for anyway? Q:\ is basically a virtual drive So i was....
But anyways sorry I can’t help with your issues.