Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:39 pm
Before posting about a problem - Please read the following information.
PM'ing members
Please DO NOT private message admins/moderators for help, unless they have previously offered. This includes posting on the forum, and PM'ing messages asking for someone to read your post. Please just post your question in the correct area, and some one will answer when they can. thanks.
It's virtually impossible to help without a debug log. If something with XBMC4XBox isn't working as it should, then you need to provide a log file for us to help. First of all, go to Settings > System > Debugging and enable debugging. reboot the xbox, and reproduce the problem you are having. You can then ftp your debug log off your xbox.
Log Files -
* Q:\xbmc.log - This is the log file of most recent (or currently running) XBMC4XBox session.
* Q:\xbmc.old.log - This is the log file from the last XBMC4XBox session. If XBMC4XBox crashes AND you have restarted it before viewing the log, this is the one you want.
Once you have the debug log - do not paste it directly on the forum. Instead use a site such as, or Simply visit one of these sites, paste or upload your complete log and hit submit. After a few seconds you'll have a nice short URL to paste in your post. Be sure to select an appropriate time to keep your paste around when submitting!
Error Recovery Mode
If XBMC is starting up (for instance you see the splash screen) but then is not progressing to load correctly after that, you can boot into "Error Recovery Mode" by holding down the White and Y buttons during startup.
This will give you FTP access to the Xbox via it's Fatal Error Handler. You can then retrieve any debug logs from a previous boot (which will be q:\xbmc.old.log) and/or correct things by reloading XBMC4XBox onto your Xbox. Note that not all your drives may appear via FTP while the fatal error handler is running (particular F: and G:), but this should not affect things, as the most important place to have access to is XBMC4XBox's home directory, which is always mounted at Q: (regardless of where it is located on your Xbox's harddisk).
You may also try to reset all of XBMC4XBox's settings to their defaults, in case the reason that it's no longer loading correctly is due to some bad settings. You may do this by holding down both thumbstick buttons on bootup.
PM'ing members
Please DO NOT private message admins/moderators for help, unless they have previously offered. This includes posting on the forum, and PM'ing messages asking for someone to read your post. Please just post your question in the correct area, and some one will answer when they can. thanks.
It's virtually impossible to help without a debug log. If something with XBMC4XBox isn't working as it should, then you need to provide a log file for us to help. First of all, go to Settings > System > Debugging and enable debugging. reboot the xbox, and reproduce the problem you are having. You can then ftp your debug log off your xbox.
Log Files -
* Q:\xbmc.log - This is the log file of most recent (or currently running) XBMC4XBox session.
* Q:\xbmc.old.log - This is the log file from the last XBMC4XBox session. If XBMC4XBox crashes AND you have restarted it before viewing the log, this is the one you want.
Once you have the debug log - do not paste it directly on the forum. Instead use a site such as, or Simply visit one of these sites, paste or upload your complete log and hit submit. After a few seconds you'll have a nice short URL to paste in your post. Be sure to select an appropriate time to keep your paste around when submitting!
Error Recovery Mode
If XBMC is starting up (for instance you see the splash screen) but then is not progressing to load correctly after that, you can boot into "Error Recovery Mode" by holding down the White and Y buttons during startup.
This will give you FTP access to the Xbox via it's Fatal Error Handler. You can then retrieve any debug logs from a previous boot (which will be q:\xbmc.old.log) and/or correct things by reloading XBMC4XBox onto your Xbox. Note that not all your drives may appear via FTP while the fatal error handler is running (particular F: and G:), but this should not affect things, as the most important place to have access to is XBMC4XBox's home directory, which is always mounted at Q: (regardless of where it is located on your Xbox's harddisk).
You may also try to reset all of XBMC4XBox's settings to their defaults, in case the reason that it's no longer loading correctly is due to some bad settings. You may do this by holding down both thumbstick buttons on bootup.