I noticed that spam bots are getting much more active on this forum site, so it would be
really nice having a (hard) Capture like those from Google on this site.
I've seen that there is already a static question but seems not enough obviously...
Re: Adding Capture to register page
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:40 pm
by Xphazer
They are human spammers, real persons, from 3rd world countries payed a few penny for each hundreds of posts.
Absolutely nothing can be done beside starting to deny forum access to a couple dozens of countries like India to fully block them (And we have Indian users, so it can't be done).
Even there, they'll start to use proxies/VPN soon or later.
As you probably saw before, some swear filters are in place and changing some of their posts ("Go home spammer, you are drunk" etc, this is automatic). It's the very best that can be done in this case.
As system administrators, BuZz and I are use to them on several sites and projects. Some days I wonder if it isn't personal to us LOL.
Most CAPTCHA's systems get cracked soon or later. IMHO they are useless and even more annoying than useless. Generally they are easier to solve for a mahcine than a human.
I hate them and never vouch for them because as I said they get cracked all the time. Did I say they are annoying? heheh.
If you want to know more about who we are dealing with, watch this video, (It will get deleted, it always get deleted and reposted), I guarantee you will understand some stuff, like how much of a turd this guy is.
Re: Adding Capture to register page
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:09 pm
by tim619
Ok that's really unfortunate than, if most of them are human I really didn't know that since most of them had the same account settings like one line signature and most of them did not spread links but just wrote shit...
I do not like captchas aswell but the idea with the captcha implementation was only for the register page so it'd be typed only once. Also I'm sure
it's possible to machine solve any captcha but it would take a long research for something like Recaptcha.