What it does:
Allow kids to play xbox games with a nice poster view & not muck about with XBMC in any way or form, it can also be placed anywhere on the HDD.
Parent Controls:
Allows parents to install games, create profiles & change settings.
This mod also utilizes my custom python scripts. That allow each profile to have their own saves.
Just redownload the zip.
Its been updated since the below changes, cant be bother to add them here lol you can see them on my github
- 23/02/2017
- Updated the XBMC default.xbe, Now we have fullscreen splash! & a few other things I needed to streamline the experience.
- "Manage Profiles" Profile - Now load directory into the profiles window when selecting Manage Profiles
- "Manage Profiles" Profile - Now you use the Back button to enter settings.
- Updated the controlpad.png
- Updated the profiles script, added a slight delay.
- New skin settings layout.
- New RadioButton image.
- Updated the synopsis script, now passes the video to the skin.
- Added a Yes/No dialog to the Clean Thumbnails script & an OK dialog so the user can pick what they want to do. (has a description on what its going to do)
- Cleaned up the Includes_Video_Preview.xml as some buttons aren't needed anymore.
- Added Clear Cache button to skin settings.
- Fixed the banner view, forgot to add the no_banner.png image.
- Added a new updater script/XBMC combo.
- Added two 3 New scripts.
- Rearranged the skin settings menu.
- Added a scripts menu to the skin settings menu.
- Updated some of the scripts adding a progress bar and code cleaning.
- New textures for the radiobutton and spincontrolex buttons.
- Added 3 new options to the skin settings menu, for cleaning, removing or generating thumbnails.
- Updated the login view.
- Updated static network IP.
- Updated the modified default.xbe.
( Disabled the folder scanning when entering the programs menu ) - Updated the Fonts.xml.
- Moved the the synopsis screen to a window and fixed a few things.
- Updated the synopsis.py script, now test all variables for the synopsis window.
- New Card view.
- New List view.
- Rearranged the view order.
- Updated all view and other stuff.
- Added an auto play synopsis video toggle to the Preview settings menu.
- I done most of these edits months ago and now I have forgot what most of the it was lol, so there are probably more changes.
( well I know there are more ) - New script to generate a random.m3u playlist.
( saves having to use the playlist menu, it looks for a music folder in E, F or G ) - New birthday menu in the "Manage Profiles" profile.
( what a pain in the arse hole this was to do, I had to create 12 xml files to compare every single day of the year :@ ) - Added a shutdown button to the options dialog
( Black button ) - New synopsis view, based off of the Xbox 360 Aurora dashboard skin.
- Updated the Synopsis script to accommodate the above changes.
- New xml files to further optimize and make it clearer to edit stuff.
- Probably more, to many changes to keep track :/
Code: Select all
1) Changed the PlayerControls screen, looks a lot better & matches the other dialogues.
2) Added a toggle for the visualisation bars in the PlayerControls screen.
3) Fixed the background images not setting when login into a profile.
4) Removed the "FilezillaFix.py" (its in the not used folder)
5) Updated the Profiles.py, now copies the source.xml to a new profile so no more issues with sources not being there and also it bypass the "DVD2Xbox" & "Manage Profiles" profiles.
6) Also added ^ a new master profile, "Manage Profiles", this allows you to add remove profiles & adjust UI & network.
7) Fixed the Keyboard not working when outside the Games list.
8) Added a Preview video function (X button when no audio is playing)
9) Added a custom preview extension option in the settings. (Handy if you don't have xmv files)
10) Updated the DVD Label & Spinning Disc, now displays throughout the skin.
11) Updated the Settings look.
12) Added a new fancy GUI buttons that display functions in the menus. (Dynamic)
13) New graphics for the buttons. (created from scratch)
14) Updated the Keymaps & "FileZilla Server.xml"
15) New startup.xml, looks like the login screen to create a more seamless transition to the games directory.
16) Added a toggle for the Profiles.py script, you can now enable it skin side :) (located in the "Manage Profiles Profile > Manage Profiles")
17) Improved the stability of the skin/python scripts and optimized other areas.
18) Changed the View Options (Up when in the games section) to be more streamlined.
19) Added my resources view, that I use for testing _resources packs. (requires "game name/_resources/artwork/image files here")
20) Redone a few textures. ^
21) Updated the DialogProgress.xml
22) Added a Synosis overlay for games ( (X) Button )
23) Updated Skin settings look.
24) Added a Preview Video Settings, you can select from common extensions or add your own.
25) Added a new script, "CleanMyVideos34.db.py" removes bookmarks from preview videos.
26) Added a new script, that reads a file named default.xml in the _Resources folder.
27) Added a new script & option in the Skin settings menu to Clean the thumbnails.
28) Added a new View BannerView, it will load banner.jpg from the "_resources\artwork" folder.
29) Updated the synopsis script, & synopsis section in the skin as well.
30) How video playback when in the synopsis screen has changed also, you now Press (A) to playback and stop the preview video.
31) Added a a Control layout overlay when in the login screen. (press Down)
32) New SettingProfile.xml layout.
[1]Fixed the snow not disabling after a set date. (due to XBMC not liking includes with visible System.Date(***,***) tags)
[2]Added a nice new Fanart View.
[3]Added the option to toggle the txt overlay for the new fanart view.
[4]Added a new option for fanart, you can now cycle through 75% opacity or 0% opacity or disabled.
[5]Added a custom keyboard layout for entering Hex colour strings. (custom background colours)
[6]Fixed Favourites from highlighting thin air when navigating left on the thumbs.
[7]Now have in place the _resource structure from XBMC Origins, so packs for that will work with this skin. (Toggled)
[8]Added a nice new Thumb View.
[9]XML tiding.
[10]Profiles.py script updated with better logging & rescuedash copying added.
[11]Added a dialogue to the Clear Cache.py script.
[12]Added a special easter login screen overlay.
[13]Updated the Snow effect for Christmas.
[14]There is more than likely more changes, but cant remember lol
1) Created a new python script to toggle Editmod on or off for the skin settings. (no more lock code)
2) Settings & Context menus are limited in User Mode, so the user cant change anything important.
3) New custom Context menu for the Games views. (User mode only)
4) Changed how I done the controls for certain menus. (B button now works in all areas bar the games view, when in User Mode)
5) Updated the DVD2Xbox script to check for a default.xbe in the DVD drive before doing anything.
6) Added a Build XBMC4Kids Update.bat.
1) Added the option to add & create playlists from the Profile Skin. (in the skin settings menu)
2) XML tiding & validations fixed.
3) Debug info added to all xml files & screens.
4) New Favourites view.
5) Changed the login screen, looks a lot sleeker now.
6) Changed the Poster view.
7) The skin now no longer uses the footer.
8) Updated the startup.xml files to match the login screen.
9) Some graphical changes/updates.
10) Added 8 new backgrounds & updated the previous 7, to use pastel colours.
11) 2 new views Posters small & Login view.
12) Custom help info for views.
13) Disabled the fanart button for the Panel view.
14) Added the Trainers overlay.
15) Added different coloured view labels for light coloured backgrounds.
16) Added snow to the login screen, 12-21/1-26 will add other holiday things.
17) Updated the custom colour background, now enter a 6 digit hex colour code.
18) Reduced the .xpr file by half, using superpng to reduce the file sizes. (No noticeable quality loss)
1) Updated Profiles.py, now copies the softmod folders if present to the new profiles, shows progress & sets the skin for the current user.
2) Updated EditMode.py, no more python errors & I added a dialog. (rare but they did happen)
3) Updated the Poster View.
4) Updated some textures.
5) Added a new label to the top right of the Login screen for Edit mode.
6) Added window fade in & out for login screen.
7) Added Master Profile label to the home screen of the DVD2Xbox profile.
8) Changed the default background colour to FF0099ECE, looks nicer.
9) Updated startup.xml for both skins.
10) Updated the batch file to build XBMC4Kids, if an XBMC or Build folder are found.
11) Changed the login screen to match the Poster View.
12) Fixed the ThumbFO.png position, on all dialogs.
1)Fixed the Profiles script from asking you to change skins on the master profile.
2)Fixed a potential issue with the Profiles.py script failing to rename the UDATA folder.
1) Added a new script to stop XBMC form becoming none responsive if Filezilla Server.xml become corrupt.
2) Rearranged the skins a tad, fixed wallpaper issues
1) Fixed some grammar in the skin settings menu.
2) Added the option to have an Emulator launcher button in the Options Dialogue. (enable in settings)
1) Added a new view, called Panels.
2) Fixed background visible issues.
3) Changed how toggling Fanart & Views are done.
4) Added a MyGameSave view.
5) Fixed DVD2Xbox Script not working.
6) Minor changes to the Poster View.
7) Added a new options dialogue, that allows access to game saves, favourites & settings. (press Black)
8) Added a Clear Cache script. (press Black when at the home screen of the master profile)
9) Put the textures into an XPR file to save on memory.
10) Fixed Player Controls, now when you press Stop it closes the dialogue.
11) Separated the Views into there own xml file, easier & cleaner to edit.
12) Updated the Advancedsettings.xml
13) Updated the Startup.xml files to have correct backgrounds. (now if you have a custom colours it will show)
14) Added a Trainers folder. (you need to enable a games trainer in Edit Mode)
15) Fixed Scroll Offset Label. (now pops up like it was meant to)
16) Added Repeat & Shuffle to the Player Controls.
Favourites need to be added in Edit Mode, afterwards they can be accessed in any mode.
For the new player controls to function correctly the gamepad.xml file must be replaced.
1) Cosmetic update, Added a new Dialogue, for kid safe mode, when trying to access settings.
2) Changed the Gamepad.xml to reflect above changes.
3) Added AdvancedSetting.xml This will give you higher quality Thumbs for games. (was added two updates ago but forgot to put it in here)
1) Added Startup Playlist support. (use Confluence Lite to create a playlist)
2) Added Player controls. (X) Button
3) Updated the Edit mode controls (Y) now takes a screenshot.
4) Updated Create Kids Gaming XBMC.bat, to not remove paplayer. (required for Audio)
Note: if you want Audio to play you will need to rerun the batch or FTP over paplayer to the correct location.
1) Fixed the issue with logging off. (it seems XBMC doesn't like logging off when not at the Home screen)
2) Updated the Profile Skin, fixed label placements & a few cosmetic/code changes.
3) Maybe more, but cant remember :-\ need to start writing this stuff down.
1) Added a disc indicator, in the top right of the screen.
2) Updated the DVD2Xbox.py script to dynamically get the XBMC directory. (Fixes DVD2Xbox loading DVD2Xbox)
3) Updated the gamepad.xml files. Press start to launch a disc based game.
4) Created more images.
5) Made a new DVD2Xbox Logo, for the Profile Screen.
1) Changed the wallpaper selection to be a wraplist & centred on screen.
2) Added the option to add custom wallpapers :D
3) Added the option to disable fanart, doesn't look good with some wallpapers. (push Up & Up on the Games screen.
4) Just some code tidying & reduction of includes. (skins fast as hell)
5) Updated & added some textures.
6) Updated the Poster view, now works better with transparent images & its now in the MyPrograms.xml
7) Updated the Lockscreen, moved the list down a tad.
8) Updated the EditMode.py, now launched the dashboard from within python.
9) maybe something else cant mind :-\
- 1) Download XBMC. *
2) Place the XBMC folder inside the XBMC4Kids-master. **
3) Double click "Build XBMC4Kids.bat"
4) FTP the XBMC4Kids folder anywhere on your Xbox. ***
https://drive.google.com/folderview?pli ... JCZFE#list
Place the XBMC folder inside the "XBMC4Kids-master" folder.
I would suggest leaving the "Enable individual save directories for each profile" disabled if you are using this as an application or only one profile.
- 1) Load the "Manage Profiles" profile.
2) Select "Manage Profiles".
3) Select Add Profile...
4) Enter your desired name.
5) Now select OK
6) Again select OK
7) Now select start fresh, for both options.
8) And Log out. (R) Stick pushed in.
10) Disable Edit Mode if you wish.
- 1) Change profile names after creation, arses up my script. (it will create a new save folder)
2) To transfer saves over to a new profile, change the folder name & the *.profile file inside the directory. *
Profile name Connxtion, but I want to change it to Rocky5 & keep my saves.
I find the "UDATA Connxtion" folder in "E:\" & I rename it to "UDATA Rocky5"
I now rename the "Connxtion.profile" file inside to "Rocky5.profile". Done!
- Enter key combination at the login screen:
Remember to disable after changing stuff.
- Edit Mode Users profile:
- 1) (A) button will select menus or play games.
2) (X) button will open the game preview/synopsis or music controls.
3) (Y) button will take a Screenshot.
4) (Black) button opens the options dialogue.
5) (White) button opens the context menu. (certain menus)
6) (Start) button will launch a disc based game.
7) (L) stick pressed in will reload the skin.
8) (R) stick pressed in logs out current user.
9) all default controls of XBMC
- 1) (A) button will select menus or play games.
2) (X) button will open the game preview/synopsis or music controls.
3) (Black) button will load your favourites.
4) (White) button opens the context menu. (certain menus & limited functionality in usermode)
5) (Start) button will launch a disc based game.
6) (R) stick pressed in logs out current user.
7) all default controls of XBMC
- 1) (A) button will select menus.
2) (Y) button will take a Screenshot.
3) (Black) button cleans the Xbox cache.
4) (White) button opens the context menu. (certain menus)
5) (Start) button will launch a disc based game.
6) (L) stick pressed in will reload the skin.
7) (R) stick pressed in logs out current user.
8) all default controls of XBMC
- 1) (A) button will select menus.
2) (Black) button cleans the Xbox cache.
3) (Start) button will launch a disc based game.
4) (R) stick pressed in logs out current user.
- 1) (A) button will select menus or play games.
The skin will load fanart.jpg from the game directory.
Here is a preview/walkthrough/me rambling on, of the mod.
Initial release video
Some Images, from the update:
208 Game Posters, banners, fanart, icons, thumbs and tbn files all ready for your Xbox.
This is a copy of my Game Posters _resources Directory. It consists of banners for all 208 games as well as thumbs, icons, posters and fanart where available.
It's been setup to work with Origins (as well as the default.xml synopsis format that maybe getting added back in) so compatibility with other skins is paramount in my eyes.
Game Resource pack thread