[RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by meyer85 »

Hello everyone, first of all nice work dom, this skin is amazing!
I have 2 questions, the first one is, can i edit the shortcuts manually via xml? On the Games tab in the favorites slideshow, i am unable to edit shortcut 27, i tried everything but the menu for the shortcut editing is not showing up, all other shortcuts were easy to setup and change, maybe its a wierd bug?
The second one is, how can i enable the game names in coverflow? I can only see the covers with background art and everything, but under the cover is no name for every game.
Best regards!
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by Puritan007 »

Someone answered this already several times, but I will try to show it agian I guess. You need to find XBMC Origins/720/home.xml Then OPEN it with NOtepad++ and search for 2027 and change it to 27 and save it. now ftp the new HOMExml to the xbox inside 720 folder.

I know the threads long so answers like that are hard to dig up a bit.

better answer here

Re: [WIP] XBMC Origins UI Update Mod
Post by kingherb » Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:50 am

To Fix shortcut 27 in favorites just go to /skin/XBMC Origins/720p/ and find the Home.xml, open it in notepad wordpad or notepad++ and find and replace the following line:


change to this:


meyer85 wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:09 am Hello everyone, first of all nice work dom, this skin is amazing!
I have 2 questions, the first one is, can i edit the shortcuts manually via xml? On the Games tab in the favorites slideshow, i am unable to edit shortcut 27, i tried everything but the menu for the shortcut editing is not showing up, all other shortcuts were easy to setup and change, maybe its a wierd bug?
The second one is, how can i enable the game names in coverflow? I can only see the covers with background art and everything, but under the cover is no name for every game.
Best regards!
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by oriseb »

Hi guy, very good job !!

I have 4 questions :

1 : it's possible to change link and icon to shortcut weather ? (file texture ?)
2 : it's possible to add in navigation menu (xbmc guide) a link to folder (chihiro) ?
3 : In home, system info, the value off ram is incorrect (i have 128mb, i see : 97MB/64MB) where is the file for change 64 to 128 ?
4 : I have a bug, when you go to icon program, after you exit, you go to icon games, you exit by black back button on controller, you come back in progam icon, your are in game folder, strange ?

many thanks
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by TheCynicalKitty »

Hi so im using XBMC 3.5.3 and iv followed the steps here but for some reason the Guide button (start) in the Keymaps folder will not open the guide menu for me for some reason and iv 0 idea why, can anyone help please.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by WestleyWolf »

I'm having this white color issue. i did this process twice, i'm getting some XML errors but i don't know how to fix them

here's my log if there's anything in here thats giving me this issue. i'm new at this.

I've been using my Xbox Since 2003.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by qxl21 »

I get the same having installed the linked to version in the first post on top of xmbc 3.5.3. At a guess I'd say there is a conflict with the newer version of xmbc.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by jw500 »

Anyone have interest if I were to upload the entire working ~200MB XBMC directory from the "E" Drive of the 2TB XBMC Origins downloaded from torrent to a Google Drive and post it here? I just downloaded it and restored the image to a 2TB drive. Works great. I'm not a fan of it myself, but it appears many here are.

I can also upload each drive's contents into a separate file, but without the games. Just apps and emulators included with the 2TB torrent and as installed and set up on each drive.

This could benefit those with a softmod but want to run it on their own locked/upgraded drive, Just FTP the contents of each ZIP to the root of the corresponding XBOX's drive letters. If you want any games you can upload them to the XBOX drives yourself. Makes for a smaller download for those that can't download 2TB due to bandwidth or speed, those who don't want all the games along with it, or are running a softwood.
Last edited by jw500 on Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by Hades666 »

@jw500, I'd love to take you up on that offer. I have 2 TB host and can't download this yet ;(.

Any chance you could share the xbmc folder? I can also upload each drive's contents into a separate file, without the games. Just apps and emulators included with that torrent and as installed and set up on each drive.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by jw500 »

For sure. The entire E drive is zipped to 612MB. I'll upload it to my Google Drive tomorrow and PM you the link.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by jw500 »

Hades666 wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:45 pm @jw500, I'd love to take you up on that offer. I have 2 TB host and can't download this yet ;(.
Google Drive links. Look for text files in each folder called "Directory Listing" and "readme" that I put together showing the contents of each folder and what was in them with the 2TB drive. The readme's show what is supposed to be inside of the folder that the readme file is located in, but couldnt fit in GDrive due to size.

"XBMC" only folder, from E Drive, ZIP File ~160MB: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bJc5-M ... sp=sharing

Entire C Drive (RAR File, 170MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vq1IC5 ... sp=sharing
Entire E Drive (RAR File, 600MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XqpSXy ... sp=sharing
F Drive: (Too large to upload to GDrive, ~85GB without XBOX games, looks to contain most of the artwork files for games and emulators too)
G Drive (RAR File, 4GB, without XBOX games) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiwTHu ... sp=sharing
Entire Q Drive (RAR File, 148MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IslWEx ... sp=sharing

Enjoy, hopefully someone can build off of it and make it look prettier, let me know if you want anything else.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by cdsa1970 »

jw500 wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:45 pm
Hades666 wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:45 pm @jw500, I'd love to take you up on that offer. I have 2 TB host and can't download this yet ;(.
Google Drive links. Look for text files in each folder called "Directory Listing" and "readme" that I put together showing the contents of each folder and what was in them with the 2TB drive. The readme's show what is supposed to be inside of the folder that the readme file is located in, but couldnt fit in GDrive due to size.

"XBMC" only folder, from E Drive, ZIP File ~160MB: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bJc5-M ... sp=sharing

Entire C Drive (RAR File, 170MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vq1IC5 ... sp=sharing
Entire E Drive (RAR File, 600MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XqpSXy ... sp=sharing
F Drive: (Too large to upload to GDrive, ~85GB without XBOX games, looks to contain most of the artwork files for games and emulators too)
G Drive (RAR File, 4GB, without XBOX games) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiwTHu ... sp=sharing
Entire Q Drive (RAR File, 148MB): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IslWEx ... sp=sharing

Enjoy, hopefully someone can build off of it and make it look prettier, let me know if you want anything else.

Thank you very much from the heart.
The Doc
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by The Doc »

Hi, can anybody tell me how to add a button to the home screen to launch a .xbe file (an emulator in F:/Emulators) ?
I assume it's added in Home.xml, and I've been trying all sorts in there but I'm failing.

Thanks in advance
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by cmbx420 »

The Doc wrote: Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:13 am Hi, can anybody tell me how to add a button to the home screen to launch a .xbe file (an emulator in F:/Emulators) ?
I assume it's added in Home.xml, and I've been trying all sorts in there but I'm failing.

Thanks in advance

I second this question :D
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by Rubke91 »

ironsights87 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:35 am Hello, just wanted to say I really enjoy this skin. So much in fact that I've been working tirelessly creating artwork for it. I've just finished about 730 Xbox games with cd,fanart,icon,poster and thumb images. I've also done posters and fanart for the emulators I have installed. In showing my appreciation for the work done on this skin I figured I'd share the Emulator artwork. I'm using a template I found for an Xbox case (I realize it's not the original and I wanted that for emulators).Anyway, here are some pictures:


I hope mega links are allowed and assumed so since I saw another mega link posted in this thread, if it isn't, let me know. I also hope whoever created those previous ones shared doesn't mind I modified 2 or 3 to match the others I made
https://mega.nz/#!woETwL6K!op1ngeDnq_fA ... RcmelFUpyw

Now that's out of the way, I had a few questions about this glorious looking skin. I've been digging at the home.xml myself and finding it a bit tedious due to inexperience so I'll ask.(I have it parsed out neatly with Tidy2 and all but still, it's a bit to keep deleting a few lines, then test, then delete, then test, then delete, then woops, start over)

-First, as previously mentioned, how can I remove the little Avatar dude next to the games and emulator? A toggle option would be cool but honestly I just want to obliterate it.
-As quite a few people mentioned and requested, could you add an option to remove/disable pages? (Music,Movies,TV Shows,Home,Weather,Social are useless for my application) Or possibly share on HOW TO (such as key lines to remove?) since the person who did create that "minimal" version has yet to share anything even after posting they'd share it multiple times and creating a thread about it.
-I've noticed games/emulators stored on G aren't seen when you goto create shortcuts. Is there ANY way to make G available as only sticking to E is ludicrous with 40+ emus.
-I also had an idea of adding "reflections" for the games, and wondered how difficult this would be to pull off? Basically using each game and creating a 'mirrored' image flipped vertically and fading out.

Those are really the only things I'm interested in tweaking, other than those, it's a beautiful skin and really enjoy it. Please let me know when you get a chance, I've been messing with this for a while but it's just easier to ask. I hope someone finds the Emulator resources useful. Thanks again for creating a sexy skin.

P.S. This is my first post here so my bad if I messed up, but much love from TiZ. :mrgreen:

Edit: A few more pictures displaying artwork: imgur.com/a/CVFDz
Can some one upload this file please
grt Rubke91
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by Punincarnates »

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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by WestleyWolf »

Idk if i should say this now that its been 2 years since i could not get this fixed but the problem i had was i needed to update my XBMC to the latest build for it to work, thanks for this skin.
I've been using my Xbox Since 2003.
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XBMC Origins Skin Plus Synopsis.

Post by flsdiver »

Resurrecting this thread due to refurbishing an old Xbox I found in the closet, I liked this custom dashboard and really liked the synopsis/artwork for xbmc4gamers from rocky5 as well.
I thought why not make it what i want it to be.
So, it's been a fun side project to learn some skinning code (tedious) for the old XBMC platform.
Thank you to Dom DXecutioner for this origins skin and Rocky5 for the synopsis scripts. (i hope it is ok that i redistribute your work here).
Credit to them, I merely tweaked the huge amount of work they already did.
Youtube Video.
XBMC Origins Skin Plus Synopsis
1) Rocky5 Synopsis from xbmc4gamers scripts added/modified to work with origins (activate synopsis on any highlighted game with Y button).
Requires games to have proper artwork folders (default.tbn/fanart.jpg/_resources/artwork/<jpg/png files>
Modified xml to look right with older python? (essentially had to change top/left to posx/posy).
On 1st select of Y it will do popup for which synopsis view you want pad right/left to choose regular/alternate.
Added option to XBMC Guide for Synopsis alternate view yes/no check box if you want to change that selection later.
2) Added game name at bottom of Xperience Posters and many other 'tweaks' of myprograms.xml for artwork support.
3) Splash/Transition from Home to Games/Emulators/Dashboards/Apps shows proper name (not Games) and artwork.
3) Home screen to remove music/video stuff and replace with Games/Emulators/Dashboards/Applications.
3) Better image quality in features/favourites on home screen (using artwork structure from rocky5)
4) Custom images for dashboards/emulators/apps (using artwork structure from rocky5)
5) Various other things i certainly have forgotten over last 2 weeks.

xbmc4xbox dashboard, then XBMC Origins Skin per this thread, then XBMC UIUpdate, then this zip over/and in addition to the existing dashboard files.

The search for games script expects the games to be in F:/games and or G:/games. without that setup games will be empty.
Sources.xml should be modified to match your HD setup. Change thumbnail to point to where your XBMC Origins skin lives.
Change path to match your Apps/Dashboards/Emulators folder. (Yes, I split dashboards from Apps)

Code: Select all

<thumbnail>E:\Dashboard\skin\XBMC Origins\images\xboxGames.png</thumbnail>
<thumbnail>E:\Dashboard\skin\XBMC Origins\images\Emulators\emulators.png</thumbnail>
<thumbnail>E:\Dashboard\skin\XBMC Origins\images\applications.png</thumbnail>
<thumbnail>E:\Dashboard\skin\XBMC Origins\images\dashboards.png</thumbnail>
I think that's all that needs to be changed to get it working correctly for you.
Put/replace whatever you want in images folder to change the Games/Emulators/Dashboards/Apps Tiles on Home screen and splash screen transitions.

Caveat...this is what is working for me, be kind, it may not be perfect for your HD install.
You can easily modify any file here (study the files sources.xml and sample artwork folders) to fit your install locations...i presume if something doesn't show correctly it needs to be tweaked.

XBMC Origins with Synopsis Plus
Sample Apps/Dashboard artwork structure

These zips contain dashboard skin modifications and some sample artwork only. No emulators, apps, other dashboard executables (xbe) are included.
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by VanZan »

I too recently found an Xbox stored away that I didn't know I had. Would like to get it filled with Xbox games that I'll probably never play. So it seems it's either this skin or the Xbmc4Gamers one.

Guess I'll just have to try the both of them. It's just a pity the OG Xbox is so damn bulky.

Haven't been here since 2014. Had a lot of good times back in the day but sadly it ended badly. :)
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by Wahad »

Hey y'all

First-time poster, long time lurker. First of all, thanks for the beautiful skin!

I've been trying to customize it and something is bothering me. Is there any way to make Features and Favourites call out other images from _resources from the game folder?

These are just awful....

And yeah, is there another way to add synopsis to this skin without changing default.xbe? I tried even with that and it wont work....


So I don't make a double post

For Featured Games, I needed to change in the Home.xml specific lines linking to "poster.jpg" to "fanart". For Favourites, make default.tbn of the game that you set, which is a higher resolution than the previous ones as Dom stated in another thread.

Now I have a problem installing synopsis, it just won't work at all no matter what default.xbe I'm using, and adding some other options in the "options" and "dash" menus as it is in @jw500 files. I just can't figure what file should I edit.

Also, Favourites title is at a lower position than Featured Games, but I cant figure it out what makes it at the lower position given the fact that in home.xml everything is exactly the same regarding the position.
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Dom DXecutioner
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Re: [RELEASED] XBMC Origins v1.0.0

Post by Dom DXecutioner »

Old memories …. I see people have made modifications that are a bit odd ; too bad i quit the scene long time ago … however, I’ve been seeing the new skin videos from JCRocky5, and honestly, that’s the best.

I had already thought and coded python script to do some of what he has done ( though I went a bit further and also did script to see each emulator game as well from Xbox without having to launch the emulator itself - database - SQLite ), just quit the scene due to personal issues ; but glad he took over and did what I envisioned , but much better and he was committed.

I even had a xbmc4xbox site and access given to me by Buzz where I was building a site and repository for scraping the artwork and details ; but life got in the way.

For all intents and purposes, thís skin is dead 😅
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