donations spending

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donations spending

Post by BuZz »

Just to thank you and inform you - The recent donations have been very generous. I have used some of the money to pay towards the postage of some "openpeak" units kindly donated by someone. If you are wondering what I might be talking about - check out

I will be gifting some units to other joggler developers, and using the others for development of my joggler distros - see

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Re: donations spending

Post by professor_jonny »

wow you are a busy lad i have never even herd of a joggler before.

looks quite a spunky device.
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Re: donations spending

Post by hawsey »

If you like the look of the Joggler and like tinkering you will not be dissapointed ,
to date the OSs that can run off a simple usb stick boot are many .Joli os ,Xubuntu ,Mint ,Android ICS (some issues with video etc but plenty apps working ); Windows XP , Squeezeplay Os and I believe Meego but not tried that one myself .
As far as Xbmc is concerned Buzz's builds come with it included but it will also run happily on Xp .
You could use the joggler as a remote for your main system via either xbmc web interface or android app xbmc remote or even stream to the joggler from xbmc server via Upnp app on Android .
People even have Jogglers running home automation software ,this possabilities are endless .
Would love to see Buzz get some more Devs on board with the Joggler as there is allready a very active friendly forum
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Re: donations spending

Post by asbo »

The Joggler is a great bit of kit, we have one in the kitchen that mum uses for internet radio(the kitchen seems to be a Faraday cage so we can't get normal radio). Its also handy for quickly googleing something. Had a bit of a panic when the O2 software was automatically replaced with Openpeak stuff, but it was easily fixed in the end.

Haven't tried any USB OS's since I find the default software with PNP is great!

Certainly a good thing to spend donations on!
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Re: donations spending

Post by VanZan »

Bought myself a Joggler based on your recommendations here. Going by the eBay auction image it seems to have PNP on it already. I'll probably try Android on it too. I'm hoping to use it as a fancy bedside clock with internet capabilities! Hopefully I can check my mails first thing when I wake.
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