I haven't worked on this addon for over a week, and probably won't any time soon as I find myself a bit busy lately. Since it works for my purposes, I don't really have the need either. In either case, you can download it and give it try if you wish. You will need to transfer it - after extracting it from the zip file - to your scripts folder.
You can also send a command to the xbox from any web browser to play a specified video; you will need to pass the video's id:
Code: Select all
Whilst an item is focused (highlighted), you can press the info button for a some options, including: clear history, remove item from history, and view channel.
Download: YouTube v0.5.0
This addon uses Nick Ficano's pytube library, which is included, nothing more needed on your part. This library is what's needed to get the actual video links. Feel free to visit the link to learn more.
Over the long weekend I gave myself the the time to build a YouTube script as I was in need to view some videos but did not want to use the phone or PC, and it's working nicely!
I want to reiterate, it will be a script, not a plugin; whilst it will be viewable in any skin, it will look best with the Xbox Origins skin.
Also, keep in mind, no support will be granted for the script. If it works for you, great, otherwise, my apologies...
You'll be able to navigate various parts, and search for basic videos. However, playlists, channels, and login will NOT be implemented.
Let me know your thoughts... Below are some screenshots for your enjoyment:
icon and fanart:

The screenshot below is the home screen; normally you would place data and images here, but to preserve memory, I leave it blank until a user selects something. Most of the time we want to search anyway...

The screenshot below is on the music section, which is from youtube.com; you can scroll up-to 8 different sections provided by youtube. Youtube has up-to 10, but i left it at 8, from the previous default of 5.

Same concept as above, except it's sports... you just move right, hit select (a button) and the video will play.

Search results

By default, on the xbox, the format will be mp4, 360p, if no 360p is found, 480p will be selected... In advance, beware, this may - eventually - crash the xbox as it leaves close to 6MB of memory left; at least during my testing.