wtf is with the BIOS?

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wtf is with the BIOS?

Post by TL GAMER »

The last OFFICIAL retail MS bios for the OG XBOX is 5101.

Not sure where people show BIOS 5838 during their tutorials, but that doesn't exist, Even if it did, there is no possible way for anyone who already has their softmodded OG XBOX with a 5101 bios, to get 5838 and update the 5101

The point here is, unless people are going to supply that bios and explain how to install it as part of their tutorial, or at least upgrade the 5101 version, then they need to stop showing video tutorials with anything higher than 5101.
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Re: wtf is with the BIOS?

Post by professor_jonny »

I believe you are mistaken.
Those kernel numbers do exist this is a list of the known retail ones:

Kernel Version Revision
3944, 4034, 4036, 4627 1.0
4817, 4972 1.1
5101, 5713 1.2 - 1.5
5838 1.6

You will also note that the kernel 5838 is for the 1.6 console and any retail version of that bios would be for a 1.6 console.

The kernel is in the BIOS. Your running kernel is determined by the stock bios which is unable to be flashed on any unmodified retail console, In your other thread you mention 5101 bios being included on retail disks which I believe is wrong as the xbox could not flash the bios and I don't believe it can on the fly patch the kernel in a retail console only update the dash board revision.

You cant upgrade to that kernel unless it is a 1.6 console only flashing the bios with that kernel in it to a tsop or modchip or by NK patcher / PBL method.

I have never tried to flash a 1.6 stock bios to a modchip on a console as there is no point, I dont even know if it will work with a 1.0-1.5 console I'm guessing it won't.

There are bios's that are hacked that are multi platform and likely have kernel versions 5838 but I have never really taken any notice if this is the case but then you dont need to worry about soft mods with a hacked bios.

For conformation on this I'd ask in the discord channel XBOXDEV.

For the latest soft mods you require dash versions 5960 to be pre installed before installing (yes the numbering is confusing right).

I'm wondering if you have patched a incompatable softmod over the wrong dash version or in fact confused between kernels and dash versions due to the problems you mention in your other thread?

I dont think there is any conspiricys reguarding non working dvd drives with a console with a 2tb drive and a soft mod and I have done a few I'm just sure you are doing something wrong.
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