I spoke to the BuZzard the other day and he was somewhat upset I had not updated this post so this update is inspired by the whinging pommy bastard.

I figure if he is good enough to keep our forum financial, the least I can do is add something here plus it might actually keep him quite for a while. He may go off and whine about the Brexexit result or something.....
Anyway, things are progressing nicely. I got around to re-clothing my pool table. The original one I got with it had a nice tear in it from day one so I ordered a new piece of cloth for it and got that job done...
A couple of hours later and bamm, doesn't she look sweet. It plays as well as it looks to. I made the light for it some time ago and has an LED fluro in it.
I've been cutting down more trees around the house. Can never have to few a trees around the house when our bush fires hit at summer time. Basically what I do is target the trees that are never going to amount to anything and clear the area so fire can't spread easily from one tree to the other. Before any greeny starts bitching about me cutting trees down, just bear in mind these trees are about 8 years old and this hill will quickly re-populate with gums trees if left alone.
This was the hill prior to me cutting down these trees...
Rather than burning the trees this year, I have been cutting them up and using the quad log trailer I made some time ago to drag the trees up and using them as back-fill around the house so I don't need as much dirt to fill around the house. This is where I've been back-filling using the trees and this is partially covered with dirt....
I bought a new chainsaw for this season that is running well as I would expect from a Husqvarna. I now have two 20" bar Huskys and one 16". Different saws for different jobs basically. The 16" is idea for cutting trees up in the creeks and the 20s are more for the larger trees but this last one has more power and can take up to a 26" bar and chain.
This is the view back up to the house with the trees cut up ready for the quad trailer to pick up. Pretty hard work getting the quad trailer combo out of fully loaded but it beats carrying it out on the shoulder...
A couple more scoops of dirt with the tractor will have this area in front of the house back filled. I was mainly concentrating on the area up further so as to form a parking area for the machines that come out of the shipping container and in front of the workshop so this area is still waiting...
Inside the house I moved one of the woodfires and started replacing the wood floor around it. I was never really happy with the cheaper wood floor and are slowly going to replace it all with the higher quality polished floor boards...
This is it just about done....
This machine does heaps of work for me. I use it to cut large areas that have had the tea tree cleared from it. The tea tree likes to grow back and requires mowing a couple of times over the next couple of months to finish it off....
Unfortunately, this is what happens when you hit a tree stump...
Fortunately, $22 and about 15 minutes work and I have a new blade fitted. I really can't bitch, this machine has mowed acres on that original blade.
Back outside and this is the site of the green house or poly tunnel as I call it. The ground is slowly being leveled and the dirt is being pushed up to the end near the container where the two 28000 liter water tanks are going to go. I'm waiting on getting a ripper for the tractor to break up the dirt to finish this job off. The tractor is ideal for moving dirt but the ground really needs to be broken up or the tractor clutch suffers doing it with the 4 in one bucket the tractor has...
Now comfort has finally kicked in. I suppose it has to do with becoming a soft old bastard. Electric blankets for the beds. Can't over do it on account of the power the blankets suck from the batteries. About 18 amps per blanket actually, about as much as it was taking to power my 2TB Xbox and the 25" TV, but I just put them on for about 20 minutes prior to hopping into bed and that's long enough to take the chill out of the bed...
As for the power, I have done some experimenting and found what the real issue with the solar battery setup actually has to do with the amps coming from the solar panels is not massive, about 6 amps during winter and about 30 amps in summer. Six hours during the shorter winter months and about 16 hours in summer. Summer isn't really an issue but winter can really suck. I have taken the batteries out one at a time and charged them fine here in Sydney using my 10 amp mains charger. It takes several hours and the 120 amp/hour batteries are fully charged. Put them back in circuit down the farm with the other 10 batteries hooked up and they won't fully charge.
Seems the issue is when 10 X 120 amp batteries are all being changed off only the current from the solar panels, it simply is like trickle charging them. I have come up with the solution. I have made a variation of one of my "famous" battery stepper units. Quite simply it directs all the solar panel power to one battery at a time. A couple of hours later it re-connects the now fully charged battery back into the circuit and grabs another battery to be connected to the solar panels. It continues to "step" along through all the batteries and then starts over again. A couple of days of this treatment and all the batteries are fully charged something it was never able to do when all the batteries where attempting to do when they were all receiving an amp or two all connected up in the one big battery bank.
I have just about finished the prototype electronic stepper board and are waiting to install it to the house's solar battery setup. Other than that there have been numerous smaller jobs I have done around the place but I have no picture of those at this time. Well that is it till the next time or until the pommy bastard starts to whine again.