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by Persian_McLovin
Thu Sep 26, 2024 10:09 pm
Forum: XBMC4XBOX General Help and Support
Topic: Very odd boot/video problem
Replies: 1
Views: 2996

Re: Very odd boot/video problem

Update: So I did an experiment with inserting a retail disc (San Andreas) to bypass the video out portion after boot and it worked absolutely fine. I was able to play for an hour no problem.

So it seems the non-MS dashboards have an issue?

I'd hoping someone has a solution to this!
by Persian_McLovin
Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:25 am
Forum: XBMC4XBOX General Help and Support
Topic: Very odd boot/video problem
Replies: 1
Views: 2996

Very odd boot/video problem

Hi all, So I've tried to find a solution to my issue and got nothing unfortunately. My setup is: Xbox 1.4 X3 modchip Chimeric HDMI Owned since 2011 Zero problems with anything prior For the past 2 months my Xbox would boot as normal into XBMC but randomly started having flicker/black screening for a...